30 Reasons to Join the Pet Professional Guild

Nov 3, 2015 | Advocacy, Current Events, Pet Guardians, Training














You may be wondering what exactly are the benefits of joining a member organization such as PPG so we’ve decided to help you out by listing a mere 30 of them. Whether you’re a seasoned pet professional, a novice trainer or a pet owner concerned with your pets’ well-being and best interests, PPG is the place to be. There are plenty more reasons to join PPG, but here are 30 to get us started:

  1. The only membership organization for professionals who subscribe to the view that aversive methods should never be used – or even deemed necessary – in the training or behavior modification of any animal.
  2. An organization that stands up for what you believe in with ongoing advocacy initiatives, and backs it all up with the latest scientific research and peer-reviewed studies. All members agree to abide by PPG’s Guiding Principles.
  3. PPG World Service monthly member live radio and podcasts.
  4. Access to discounted professional accreditation to the highest standard through The Pet Professional Accreditation Board.
  5. A prestigious recognized membership affiliation with international reach throughout North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.
  6. Affiliation with the Journal of Veterinary Behavior and discounted subscription rates.
  7. Access to our Trade Mark ‘The Pet Professional Guild, The Association of Force- Free Pet Professionals.’
  8. An electronic copy of our Proud to Be a Member Badge.
  9. The PPG membership certificate.
  10. Group insurance policy pricing.
  11. Access to a minimum of one FREE educational webinar or webcast each month.
  12. Continued Educational Units via our discounted webinars and access to PPG’s online archive of educational material.
  13. Discounted educational programs via third party providers.
  14. Discounted pricing on print materials, marketing collateral and sales aids.
  15. A bi-monthly FREE online copy of our “BARKS from the Guild” publication for training and behavior professionals.
  16. Networking opportunities with fellow members.
  17. Public relations and news releases.
  18. Community outreach programs.
  19. PPG branded client handouts.
  20. Personalized marketing tools and educational handouts.
  21. Multiple vendor discounts across pet industry partners.
  22. Networking in the PPG members’ Facebook group, a positive and engaging area for industry discussion, support and advice.
  23. Provisional member mentoring in our PPG Mentoring Zone on Facebook.
  24. The International Celebration of Force-Free Training and Pet Care (various competitions and events held on or around February 17 each year).
  25. Affiliation with Animal Wellness Magazine providing member discounts.
  26. Special member rates at PPG’s 2015 Educational Summit in Tampa, Florida.
  27. Annual Pet Industry Annual Survey.
  28. Full business listing on our PPG website with zip code locator search feature.
  29. Access to join or partner launch a PPG local area chapter.
  30. Access to business webinars to help you market and operate your business.


Additional Benefits

  • Your business registered on the PPG website makes it easy for customers to find you and they will be fully confident that you are ‘force-free’ forever and your professional colleagues and vendors can recommend you without hesitation knowing what your business philosophy and ethics are…
  • You will have the support and camaraderie of your professional ‘force-free’ colleagues. You will be part of a team so even though you are running your business on your own, you’ll never be alone. Help is just an email, phone call or text message away…
  • You will gain access to some of the industry’s leading experts. PPG members and advisers come from a wide variety of skills and specialties and some the industry’s most accomplished individuals are represented on the PPG…
  • You will be given educational opportunities to ensure you stay current with the latest business processes, learning theory research and best industry practices keeping you on the cutting edge of your career…
  • You will be affiliated with and participate in an organization whose business ethics and pet care philosophy, mission, vision and values are clearly stated, unchanging and reflect your principles…
  • You will be able to access a growing list of benefits, perks, discounts, incentives and services that will support your personal and professional goals making your life more fulfilling, more fun and more profitable…
  • You will be able to participate in the PPG mentoring programs. Remember, whatever stage you’re at in your business development, there is always something more to learn and the PPG is here to help…
  • You will gain more control over your life, business and career by using the resources the PPG provides…
  • You will belong to an organization where membership stands for something so you can proudly tell the world, ‘I’m a member of the Guild.

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on the opportunity to work with leading industry experts. Don’t lose clients who demand ‘force-free’ training and pet care for their beloved furry family members. Don’t leave any of the great PPG benefits unclaimed. Don’t be left behind in our growing, dynamic industry. It all begins with your membership in the Pet Professional Guild. Join PPG today! Pet owners join for FREE!

Vendors can apply to provide PPG members with discounts and benefits by completing this short form.

Find out more about PPG and modern, humane, scientifically sound methods for animal training and behavior modification at https://petprofessionalguild.com.