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Cats and Kids

Cats and Kids

by Andrea Carne "And in breaking news … a child was left scratched and in tears after a play session with his pet cat went horribly wrong …” Ever heard that on the nightly news bulletin? No, of course not. We may hear about dog bites from time to time and much has been written over ...
Pets, Emotions and Anthropomorphism

Pets, Emotions and Anthropomorphism

by Don Hanson Emotions are complicated and messy. So much so that as a youngster watching Star Trek in the 1960s, I was attracted to the Vulcan ethos of suppressing all emotion and replacing it with logic. However, I eventually learned that without emotion, we are devoid of joy, gratitude, ...

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Tips for Ensuring Safe and Happy Holidays for People and Dogs

Tips for Ensuring Safe and Happy Holidays for People and Dogs

With the holidays approaching, it’s time for planning family gatherings. However, for many dogs, family gatherings are stressful, and the result could be a bite to a child or an adult. This article provides tips for your clients on how to read dog body language, respect dogs’ boundaries and keep everyone safe and happy during holiday gatherings.
What Is Enrichment for Animals?

What Is Enrichment for Animals?

  by Diane Garrod When the term “enrichment” is verbalized, its meaning is often not clearly understood. When I’ve asked clients, “What enrichment does your dog get?” I’ve gotten answers like ball play or a walk, or a long pause of ...
One for the Birds

One for the Birds

Aviaries not only provide mental stimulation but are an ideal opportunity to train birds while surrounded by distractions.
The Harness Is Coming – Run for the Hills!

The Harness Is Coming – Run for the Hills!

  I often wonder why some of us expect our dogs to miraculously accept collars, harnesses, leashes, and the like. After all, dogs are not born with these alien contraptions attached to their person! But some of this gear must ...
Dog Speak: The Language of Barking

Dog Speak: The Language of Barking

  At a recent public event I attended, the question asked most by companion dog owners was, "How do I get my dog to stop barking?" As professionals, of course, the first thing we want to do is ask more questions. "When does the dog ...
Socializing Puppies to Other Animals

Socializing Puppies to Other Animals

  Dog guardians these days tend to be fairly aware of the crucial importance of socialization. These include the interactions a young puppy will have with people in his/her immediate family, people outside the family, and people ...
The Impact of Canine DNA Testing: Mapping the Future

The Impact of Canine DNA Testing: Mapping the Future

  In May 2016, Embark launched its comprehensive pet genetic test in partnership with the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. According to Embark’s website, the test will track “over 200,000 genetic markers, ...
Feline Fastidious Foodies

Feline Fastidious Foodies

By Patience Fisher     From cat food commercials to cartoons and internet cats, it is something of a running joke that cats are picky eaters. But is this common assumption correct? According to C.A. Tony Buffington, a ...