BARKS Podcast with Dr. Marina Bayeva: How You Can Help the Fundraiser for Ukrainian Animal Shelters

May 5, 2022 | Podcast Library

The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) is supporting an important fundraiser for six animal shelters in Ukraine. In this podcast, we meet the fundraiser creator, Dr. Marina Bayeva, as well as supporting veterinarian Dr. Paula Klek and PPG’s Shelter & Rescue Division Chair K. Holden Svirsky.

Find out all about how the funds raised are being used and hear inspiring stories about the animals left behind in Ukraine who are benefiting from your generous support.


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Donate Today to Help the Animals Survive the War in Ukraine

See also The Pets Left Behind in Ukraine Need You – Here’s How You Can Help Today!


A Letter from Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine  Campaign Organizer, Marina Bayeva


Helping Animals in Ukraine - New food bowls for the dogs in Sotnitskoe Animal Shelter

Sotnitskoe Animal Shelter in Ukraine recently purchased water buckets with donations from Dr. Bayeva’s fundraiser © Olga Kravchenko-Reva


Dear Animal Lovers,

Before moving to the United States, I grew up in Dnipro, Ukraine. My parents still live there. We could never imagine that ruthless aggression and devastation will so quickly become our new reality.

Now, alongside humans, there are thousands of animals in Dnipro trying to survive the war.

Some of them already lived in shelters, and many more arrived when owners could not bring their furry friends to safety with them.

And while the world raised millions of dollars for military and humanitarian causes, animal shelters in Ukraine are receiving little financial support, struggling to buy food, supplies, medications, and pay veterinary bills.

With the help of my parents and their friends in Ukraine (who are devoted animal activists), I built relationships with several animal shelters in Dnipro, personally speaking with each shelter’s attendant to ascertain their integrity and dedication.

Now, I am asking you to give as much or as little as you can to help the animals of Dnipro survive the war!

I remain in close contact with each shelter and will send the funds directly to them based on the animals’ immediate needs.

Each dollar you donate will help to save a life. And together we will win!

With gratitude,

Marina Bayeva