BARKS Podcast with Lorna Winter of Zigzag Puppy Training App: September 3, 2021

Sep 9, 2021 | Podcast Library

PPG president Niki Tudge chats to Lorna Winter of Zigzag Puppy Training App and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther about PPG’s support role for the app and how PPG members can benefit from using it, as well as discuss the many advantages for puppies and their owners.

Listen to Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below.

About Zigzag

Zigzag puppy app welcome pageThe Zigzag app acts as a digital coach which guides puppy guardians through the ups and down of early puppyhood with a personalized plan based on modern, scientific, and positive only training methods.

It is the only digital coaching app to focus purely on the early puppyhood phase. Its goal is to help make effective coaching accessible and enjoyable for new puppy guardians worldwide, so every dog home can be a happier home.

It is designed to complement existing training systems, given that from a welfare perspective, there is no alternative to real-life socialization and teaching dogs how to successfully manage the dogs, people, situations, environments etc. that they may encounter during their daily lives.

Longer term, Zigzag is passionate about working with guardians and trainers to learn, through data, what puppy development really looks like at scale, and feedback those learnings into the industry.

While it can be difficult to conduct ethical research studies in this area, with millions of puppies going through training programs that provide deep levels of data, improvements in how the app can support puppies and guardians can be made quickly and easily, with questions answered, and gaps addressed.