BARKS Podcast with Molly Kelsey of The Cat Counsellor: December 10, 2021

Dec 13, 2021 | Podcast Library

Join Niki Tudge as she chats with Molly Kelsey of The Cat Counsellor about feline enrichment and socialization…and much more! 

Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below.

About Molly Kelsey CVn ISFM AdvCertFB

Since a young age, Molly has loved, and enjoyed being around animals. After finishing high-school she studied Veterinary Nursing and worked as a vet nurse for four years in a companion-animal clinic before moving into an administration role. Inspired by the ‘quirks’ of her rescue cat Frodo, Molly went on to study post-grad feline behavior with the ISFM in the United Kingdom.

Now a certified feline behavioral consultant registered with the Pet Professional GuildInternational Society of Feline Medicine and the International Association of Animal Behavioural Consultants, Molly understands what makes your cat tick and with a passion for helping and caring for all creatures, she will strive to attain the best results for you and your feline friends.

She lives in Auckland, New Zealand with her partner, two rats and dog Alfred. In her spare time she enjoys reading, fostering kittens, drinking copious amounts of tea, baking and embroidery.