How to Get Feedback That Doesn’t Leave You Taken Aback

Dec 22, 2023 | Business & Consulting


In this article, the experts at dogbiz share tips for requesting and using valuable feedback from clients.

Ask dogbiz

Q: Hi dogbiz,

I know getting feedback from clients can be a valuable way to improve my services, but I’m nervous about how to approach it. I worry about bothering them or receiving negative comments. What’s the best way to request and use feedback without making it awkward for everyone involved?



A: Hi Charlotte,

First, kudos to you for considering feedback as an essential part of your business growth! It’s completely normal to feel nervous about it, but constructive feedback is a valuable tool for refining and growing your business. Here are some pointers we’ve seen work for our clients over the years.

Choose the Right Moment

Timing is crucial when asking for feedback, so opt for moments when your clients are likely to be feeling positive and have time to really think about their answer. This could be after a successful training session or at key points in their training journey, such as the end of a package or year.

Focus on the Positive

Frame your request for feedback in a positive light. Express your commitment to continuous improvement and your desire to provide the best possible service for them and their dog. Emphasize that their feedback, good or bad, contributes to enhancing the overall experience for them and future clients. This approach encourages open and honest communication.

Be Specific in Your Request

When seeking feedback, be clear about what you’re looking for. Instead of a general, “How was it?” inquiry, ask specific questions about their experience. For example, ask about the effectiveness of the training techniques, clarity of your instructions, or any specific challenges they faced. This targeted approach provides you with more actionable insights for improvement.

The Delivery Method Matters

Select a platform or method your clients will find convenient and comfortable for sharing feedback. Some may prefer a face-to-face conversation, while others might feel more at ease providing written feedback through email or a feedback form. Offering multiple options ensures that clients can choose the method that suits them best, increasing the likelihood of their participation.

Respond and Reflect

Once you receive feedback, whether positive or constructive, acknowledge it promptly and graciously. Thank your clients for taking the time to share their thoughts and assure them that their input is valuable. Then sit with it—it’s tempting to rush to solutions when receiving feedback, but it’s important to let it sink in and assess its value. If the feedback highlights areas for improvement, use it as an opportunity to refine your services and continue growing your amazing business.

And remember, one of the joys of being a dog trainer is you get to decide the type of business you want to build. Take feedback on board, but also stay true to your goals and values.

Best of luck with those valuable insights for the continued success of your dog training business!

Warm regards,

The dogbiz Team


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