An Open Letter to Animal Shelters and Rescues

Aug 24, 2021 | Advocacy, Business & Consulting, Education, Shelter & Rescue

By the Pet Professional Guild

Geek Week 2021 “For the Love of Rescue”:
Supporting Shelter and Rescue Continued Professional Development

Geek Week

A day does not go by where we, the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) do not see and recognize all the hard work and emotional investment that you and your team put into rescuing, housing, and rehabilitating thousands of pets in need. Often this work is completed on strained budgets over many hours, utilizing hundreds of unskilled volunteers. Given the constraints many rescue organizations find themselves facing, the results and achievements made are truly amazing.


In support of your team and their need for professional development, we would like to extend to you a special offer to support your team’s ongoing education. This is our way of thanking you and supporting your mission. While it is just a small part of your enduring work, we are committed to helping your organization reach its goals.

Here at PPG, each year we host an educational event for pet professionals. The goal of these events is to further our industry personnel skills and knowledge so we can better support our pets and their owners. We believe if we are to positively shape the future of our industry and animal welfare then we need to support all who work alongside our companion animals daily.

The theme this year for our virtual educational event Geek Week 2021 is “For the Love of Rescue.” Many of our presenters are actively working in Shelter and Rescue and several of our presentations are geared towards the Shelter and Rescue world.  The supporting Academic track and Behavior “How-To” track will be immensely useful for the daily handling, training, and rehabilitation of pets: canine, feline, and equid.

Discounted Rates for Shelter and Rescue

Recognizing the expense of professional development, we are extending to you a Rescue and Shelter rate.

“For the Love of Rescue” group rate for tickets:

    • $150.00 for 1 person (40% discount)
    • $100.00 per person for groups of 4 or more (70% discount)
    • $70.00 per person for groups larger than 8 (72% discount)

Easy Registration

We also know how hard this can be for you to coordinate and manage so we hope to make registration easy with a two-step process.

    1. Simply email PPG operations director Rebekah King and let her know how many tickets you would like.
    2. Rebekah will then invoice the relevant person and forward registration codes for individuals to access the Geek Week 2021 platform.

We really hope you will take advantage of this professional development opportunity and join us at this wonderful event to Learn, Laugh and Network with supporting professionals committed to strengthening the individual and team efforts of all Rescue and Shelter workers!

About the Pet Professional Guild

The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) is a 501(c)6 international member organization founded on the principles of force-free training and pet care. Its membership represents pet industry professionals who are committed to science-based, humane training and pet care philosophies, practices and methods. Pet Professional Guild members understand force-free to mean that shock, prong, choke, pain, force, or fear are never used in training, managing, or caring for a pet.