PPG World Service Radio Show Launches with Trial Podcast

Apr 21, 2015 | Current Events, Training

PPG WS Logo Hi ResPPG World Service is the official international e-Radio web-casting arm of The Pet Professional Guild.

The mission of PPG World Service is “Global News & Views on Force-Free Pet Care” and will serve as an advocacy forum for force-free dog training and pet care issues.

The PPG World Service broadcast will initially be aired once per month with the goal of increasing this frequency as the audience builds.

Together we are hoping to create a fun, educational and informative show. So come along and join us, bring your questions, expertise and a whole load of humor.  The first show in 2015 was on April 19th. You can listen to the podcast here.  The show will air live on the first Sunday of each month at 12 Noon Eastern Time. 

Your show hosts are Niki Tudge and Louise Stapleton-Frappell
Niki Tudge with Bailey and Gizmo

Niki Tudge with Bailey and Gizmo

Louise and Dogs

Louise Stapleton-Frappell with Jambo and Tessa

Listen to the first show where Louise and Niki  banter about the  shows new format. News was shared about PPG Australia, the new credentialing program and lots more exciting stuff.   Ada Simms joined the show to discuss her article in BARKS from the Guild titled Ask the Dog! Also in the house was Diane Garrod –  what a mutual admiration society we created!

You can see the show schedule here and register to join us.  If you are interested in joining us on the show as a guest then please email  Louise or Niki. Our contact details can be found here. We are interested in talking about new books, products, programs and anything force-free.