The Top 7 Reasons You Absolutely Cannot Miss The Pet Professional Guild’s Annual Educational Summit

Mar 16, 2016 | Current Events, Training

The Top 7 Reasons You Absolutely Cannot Miss

The Pet Professional Guild’s Annual Educational Summit

1. You Will Have Lots of Fun

Summit Marketing Postcard - Packages_PackageFrom the Welcome Reception, to Quiz Night, ‘Munch and Learn’ Merry-Go-Round and the Gala Dinner you will have more fun packed into a few short days than you thought possible, all while honing your skills and enhancing your professional education. The PPG Summit is just so much fun! Surrounded by like-minded professionals, you are free to socialize and share ideas, and reconnect with old friends while making new ones. Get out of your comfort zone and away from the daily grind to free your mind, refresh your spirit, get inspired, learn, create and grow…and have a blast!

2. Your Personal Development

Learning from home and webinars is great but nothing puts the edge on your professional expertise like practicing skills and discussions with peers, colleagues and mentors. Blogs, books and webinars are fantastic resources but you can take your learning to a higher level by actually watching and interacting with industry experts at PPG’s educational Summit. Joining your friends and colleagues there will give you the perfect opportunity to connect with peers and experts and get the answers to your burning questions.

There is nothing more motivating than participating in a live event where you watch, listen and interact, especially if the speaker is someone you admire and respect. Learning new skills, enhancing your knowledge and listening to success stories – all are hugely educational and inspirational, encouraging you to implement new ideas, skills and knowledge when you get back to work. You will leave the Summit with plenty of motivation and energy to reinvigorate your business, whether it be through new service offerings or creative marketing ideas. Of course, you don’t want to miss those amazing, spontaneous and random moments either, such as during workshops or discussions when a casual, informal chat turns into a profound, unplanned, unrehearsed and unrecorded demonstration of a theory or concept. Live, only at the PPG Summit!

3. You Will Meet a Lot of Great People

Presenter Ad Cover-01In the day-to-day, demanding and often chaotic world of the pet professional you may not always have time to connect with the folks who understand you best: Those who know and understand the demands and pressures of your personal and business life, or those who inspire you and are rooting for your success. Welcome to the PPG Summit, a great way for you to ‘connect’ with your ‘tribe,’ get energized and reignite your passion for your business and your work! Let us celebrate your successes with you in a learning and supportive environment, and come introduce yourself to the many friends you haven’t met yet.

4. Your Business Will Benefit

How could your business not benefit from being around the movers and shakers of the pet industry? Of course, attending any educational event requires a substantial investment on your part in terms of both time and money. But it is an investment that can repay you many times over. To be at the forefront of any industry you must keep up-to-date with best practices, trends, techniques and methods and the PPG Summit is the best way to achieve this. And, to help you optimize the value of your investment to your business even further, PPG is also giving you a post-Summit webinar entitled “Putting Your Summit Experience into Action,” including two follow-up accountability calls. So reserve your spot today and make the best investment in yourself and your business.

5. You Will Meet the Experts Who Are Shaping the Industry

When someone finally has the sense to open a Pet Care and Animal Training Hall of Fame, don’t be surprised if it is populated by PPG’s Educational Summit Presenter List! Who wouldn’t want to rub shoulders with the leaders of our industry who are shaping the future and hear what they have to teach us before it goes “mainstream”? Your presenters are truly the rock stars of our industry.

6. Enhanced Networking Opportunities

The PPG Summit creates the ideal opportunity to meet many like-minded people who share your passion for the pet industry. The professionals, colleagues and presenters you connect with will continue to be an invaluable resource for you well into the future. Summit activities ranging from formal sessions and workshops to the Quiz Nights, Munch & Learns and the Gala Dinner all create the perfect backdrop to chat, chuckle and share new ideas and approaches to technical and business challenges!

7. You Will Be Exposed to the Latest and Greatest Thinking Affecting Our Industry

Sharing our intellectual and physical resources is what drives the PPG so you will definitely want to be on the front lines as the latest new programs and research affecting and redefining what we know are revealed. Your ability to adapt to the changing circumstances of the industry is critical, and honing this ability begins at the Summit. Staying abreast of developments will help you make better decisions in your business, spot opportunities before others do and strengthen your role as an expert. Not to mention, you will be more alert to changes that you need to be prepared for to encourage innovation in your business. Come to the PPG Summit and be among the first to hear all about new advances in the field of animal behavior and training!

We look forward to meeting you in November 2016

Niki Tudge