2017 Podcasts

Jun 12, 2018 | Podcast Library

The Podcast for December 20th with Lara Joseph

Owner of The Animal Behavior Center, Lara Joseph, joins us to chat about her upcoming workshops at the PPG Behavior and Training Workshop at Best Friends: Building a Trusting Foundation and Target Training Parrots for a Successful Future and her presentations: The Evolution of Aviculture and Fine Tuning Our Training Skills with Parrots.

Find the Animal Behavior Center LLC on Facebook

Please click here to listen to the podcast on YouTube

The Podcast for November 5th with Helen Phillips


PPGBI Special Counsel member, Helen Phillips, owner of the ‘Clicker Gundog’ Training Centre. joinedus to chat about her upcoming PPG Summit presentation: ‘Going for a Bumble’ and to tell us all about teaching gundogs using positive reinforcement.

Please click here to listen to the podcast on YouTube

The Podcast for October 1st with Dr. Marc Bekoff

Listen to the special edition of PPG World Services in Celebration of the Shock-Free Coalition. A Chat, Chuckle and Share with Dr. Marc Bekoff. We discussed whether dogs are deceptive, how they cheat and other great questions such as “given what we know now about canine cognition, what should trainers be doing now in terms of their classes?” – Question posed by Kelly Fahey.

“Get them to watch dogs and look at the real world behavior of dogs. If a person goes to counselling you want to go to a person that knows what is expected in the real world. Take a refresher course in dog behavior!” – Dr. Marc Bekoff

“As trainers, when we are training pet dogs and owners, we need to recognize that the formal skills we are teaching might not be the skills they need in the real world. We need life-style relevant skills” – Niki Tudge

“Contextual relevance is critical” – Dr. Marc Bekoff

Please click here to listen to the podcast on YouTube

The Podcast for September 20th with Dr. Sally Foote

Join Co-hosts Niki Tudge and Louise Stapleton-Frappell as they chat to Dr. Sally Foote, the owner and head veterinarian of Okaw Veterinary Clinic in Tuscola, Illinois, about her upcoming Summit presentations:

– The Top Five Low Stress Handling™ Techniques in the Dog;

– Threshold Learning – why recognizing the threshold for anxiety for an individual animal is essential for learning and

– Alternative Therapies – Do they really work?

Please click here to listen to the podcast on YouTube

The Podcast for August 16th with Dr. Ilana Reisner

Dr. Ilana Reisner has been a veterinary behaviorist since the specialty of veterinary behavior was established in 1995. As a veterinary behaviorist, Dr. Reisner has expertise in both normal (though often undesirable) and abnormal behaviors of all companion animal species.

Dr. Reisner’s published research focuses on dog bites and canine aggression, with a particular emphasis on child safety. A past president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior and a member of the Pennsylvania Dog Law Advisory Board, Dr. Reisner now divides her time between seeing patients, writing, speaking and blogging about rational, evidence-based and force-free behavior change.

  Listen in as Dr. Reisner chats about her upcoming presentation at the PPG Summit,  Dog Bites and Children: A Behavioral Perspective

Please click here to listen to the podcast on YouTube

The Podcast for August 6th with Pat Miller

Pat Miller was in the house chatting to us about her bookBeware of the Dog and her upcoming Summit presentations:  Canine Cognition and Ethical Dilemmas.

Pat is the author of The Power of Positive Dog Training (2001), Positive Perspectives (2003), Positive Perspectives 2 (2008), Play With Your Dog (2008), Do Over Dogs (2010), How to Foster Dogs (2013), and Beware of the Dog (2016), and has been training dogs for more than 30 years

Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here

Quick Links from the Show

Peaceable Paws LLC

The Podcast for July 19th with Janis Bradley

Janis Bradley,director of communications and publications at the National Canine Research Council,is the author of Dogs Bite, but balloons and slippers are more dangerousthe complete guide to research on dog bites, along with Dog Bites: Problems and Solutions for The Animals and Society Institute, and The Relevance of Breed in Selecting a Companion Dog for the National Canine Research Council. Between 2000 and 2009, Janis trained more than 400 professional pet dog trainers at the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ Academy for Dog Trainers, and in 2011 founded the Dog Training Internship Academy.

Janis chatted to us about her upcoming Summit presentations:In defense of anthropomorphism. When is a dog like a person?andAre We Creating Helicopter Pet Parents? Studies with Implications for the Unintended Consequence of Hypervigilance

Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here

Quick Links from the Show

National Canine Research Council

Studies referenced in the Show

Why dismissing anthropomorphism is a mistake and history of said mistake:

Franz de Waal,Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are? 

Best on the plethora of studies on canine cognition and attachment behavior and a must for every dog trainer’s bookshelf:

  • Adam Miklosi,Dog Behaviour, Evolution and Cognition, 2ndedition, 20016. 

Gregory Berns (multiple articles) is a good source for fMRI studies of canine emotions, and the Family Dog Project (Miklosi’s academic home) also has studies on this.

People recognizing barks:

  • Pongracz, P., et al “Human Listeners are able to classify dog barks recorded in different situations,” Journal of Comparative Psychology 119, no.2 (2005)

Food guarding study that queried owner’ attitudes:

  • Marder, A. R., Shabelansky, A., Patronek, G. J., Dowling-Guyer, S., & D’Arpino, S. S. (2013). Food-related aggression in shelter dogs: a comparison of behavior identified by a behavior evaluation in the shelter and owner reports after adoption.Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 148,150–156. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2013.07.007

The Podcast for June 21st with Dr. Nathan Hall

Dr Nathaniel Hall earned his Ph.D from the University of Florida in 2015. While there, he conducted research working with fruit bats, dogs, and wolves. He continued his studies as a Post Doctoral Scholar at Arizona State University in the Canine Science Collaboratory. We will be chatting to Nathan about his upcoming PPG Summit presentations: Canine Sense and Scent Ability and Canine Stereotypic Behavior: Research on Causes and Treatment

Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here

The Podcast for June 4th with Terrie Hayward

Terrie Hayward M.Ed., KPA-CTP, CSAT, CPDT, ACDBC is a Karen Pryor Academy faculty member and certified training partner (CTP) as well as the owner and lead trainer for PAW-Positive Animal Wellness. She is professional dog trainer specializing in working with dogs with hearing impairments and with dogs who suffer from separation anxiety. Terrie is a member of the Pet Professional Guild, and has written articles on training and behavior modification for BARKS magazine, Karen Pryor Academy, Pet Business, and Grooming Business magazine and is the author of the pocket guide to working with deaf dogs: A Deaf Dog Joins the Family    

We asked Terrie a lot of questions including how the use of visual cues can enhance training for both the dog and the trainer and how interacting with a deaf or blind dog can present new challenges.

Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here

Quick Links from the Show

Terrie Hayward

PPG Summit

The Podcast forMay 7th with Emily Cassell

Keeper and trainer at Busch Gardens, Emily Cassell is joining us to talk about her Virtual Summit webinar ‘Pocket Pets in the Home’. We’ll discuss the basics of housing, nutrition, and natural history for a variety of small pets and Emily will dispel some myths about caring for pocket pets such as rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs.

Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here

Quick links from the show

Small Animal Resources Facebook Page

Contact Emily

The Podcast for April 2nd with Debbie Revell.

Debbie Revell is joining us to chat about her PPG Summit presentation:  The Emotional Roller Coaster of Dog-Dog Reactivity, with particular reference to: how to recognize fearful versus aggressive body language; trigger stacking and how it can lead to aggressive displays/incidents, and how best to respond to fearful and/or aggressive displays..

Listen to the Full Show Podcast on YouTube here

Listen to Debbie’s individual guest interview here

The Podcast for February 7th with Kamal Fernandez and Lori Nanan

Internationally renowned seminar instructor; head trainer and owner of East London Dog Training; TV star and faculty member of the Fenzi Dog Sports Academy, Kamal Fernandez, will be joining us to chat about his PPG webinars: ‘Living with High Drive Dogs in Domestic Situations’ and ‘The Effective Use of Toys as Rewards.’
We will also be asking Kamal about his upcoming 2 Day Workshop in Tampa, FL: ‘Foundation Skills for Dog Sports and Heel Work 101’.

Academy for Dog Trainers graduate and Canine Behavior Education Coordinator at Women’s Humuna Society in Bensalem, PA, Lori Nanan CTC ABC-DT CPDT-KA, is joining us to chat about Breed Specific Legislation, her work at The Academy for Dog Trainers and her organization, Your Pit Bull and You, a non-profit organization committed to highlighting pit bulls in the most positive light, promoting humane reward-based training and organizing fundraising initiatives to help rescues and shelters.

Listen to the Full Show Podcast on YouTube here

Listen to the individual guestinterviews
Kamal Fernandez  Lori Nanan

Quick links from the show

Kamal Fernandez

Fenzi Dog Sports Academy

 Your Pit Bull and You 

The Academy for Dog Trainers

The Podcast for January 8th with Pat Miller, Maria Colleen Daines and Erica Beckwith

Pat Miller was on the show today. As part of PPG’s ongoing mission to deliver quality, up-to-date education on dog bite safety and force-free training and pet care to both the general public and pet professionals, we continue our series of interviews with a number of canine behavior experts. Pat joined us to chat about breed specific legislation, why it doesn’t work and the approaches she recommends for lowering the incidence of dog bites.

Maria Colleen chatted on the show about DDA Watch and their stand against BSL. Singer, song-writer and volunteer at DDA Watch, Maria devotes most of her time to helping people and dogs affected by Breed Specific Legislation in the United Kingdom. Maria is the co-writer and singer of PPG World Service’s Force-Free jingle, Teach me Force Free’ .  You can listen to the jingle on YouTube here.

Erica Beckwith Project Trade Ambassador of the month joined us to chat about why she became involved in Project Trade, the difference it has made to the dogs, their guardians and even her business!  Erica will be telling us why she believes it is so important to get shock and other aversive tools off the table.

Listen to the podcast on YouTube here.

Quick links from the show

Pat Miller

DDA Watch

Erica Beckwith