2018 Podcasts

Jun 13, 2018 | Podcast Library

Let’s Opinionate – The Podcast for March 14th, 2018 with Veronica Boutelle

Stimulating some new thoughts and giving our neurons some new tasks to promote their survival!

Veronica Boutelle, the founder of business consultancy dog*tec, joins PPG co-host Niki Tudge to share opinions on the state of education in our industry.  You may not agree with everything they say but it will certainly stimulate some positive and respectful dialogue.

Please click here to listen to the podcast on Vimeo

The Podcast for February 21st, 2018 with Sherry Woodard & Teri Jaymes

Sherry Woodard, the resident animal behavior consultant at Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah, joined us to chat about all things Best Friends, including her upcoming lectures at the PPG Behavior and Training Workshop at Best Friends:Science at Best Friends:

What we have been looking at and what we plan to study in the futureand

What Adopters Are Looking For At Shelters – How to implement research from Sasha Protopopova into real life adoptions situations.

Also joining us on this show was Teri Jaymes of Brilliant K9, a PPG Corporate Partner. Teri chatted to us about Brilliant K9 and gave us the lowdown on their harnesses and other products!

Please click here to listen to the podcast on Vimeo

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

Brilliant K9

The Podcast for January 24th, 2018 with Emily Cassell

Tampa, Florida-based zookeeper and professional pet trainer, Emily Cassell, who began her career with dogs in 2010, before expanding to fish, guinea pigs, cats, rabbits and other pets while operating her own training business, Phins with Fur Animal Training, will be joining us for a chat about her upcoming workshops at the PPG Behavior and Training Workshop at Best Friends: Building Trust – The Bunny Basics and Relationship Building with Bunnies and her presentation: Bunny House to House Bunny-Helping Rabbits Adjust to Their New Home

Please click here to listen to the podcast on Vimeo

Small Animal Resources

The Podcast for January 10th, 2018 with Jacqueline Munera

Certified cat behavior consultant and co-instructor of the Companion Animal Sciences Institute’s diploma of feline behavior program, Jacqueline Munera joined us to chat about upcoming workshops at the PPG Behavior and Training Workshop at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary:

Nitty Gritty of Husbandry Skills: Cats Take Charge and Nitty Gritty of Cat Training: Hands on!

and her presentation: Working with fearful or feral cats: Give THEM the choice! 

Learn more about medicating cats