Learning to Love the Business Side of Your Business

May 6, 2020 | Uncategorized

© Can Stock Photo/adogslifephoto

Here’s the honest truth – it’s hard to run a successful business. Let’s face it, you got into this because you want to help people and their animals have a more fulfilling life together, right? You have the passion, dedication, commitment, and interest. But knowing what your vocation is, can be quite different to knowing how to turn it into a reliable and stable source of income…Price setting is a tricky part of running a business, not least because the whole issue of money and worth can be caught up in our personal issues. But unless you are doing this as a hobby (and that has an effect on other trainers) or you’re funded by a charity, it’s really important to make sure the business aspect makes as much sense as your training plans (Issue 41, March 2020, pp.18-23). Read article