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Why We Should Give Our Cats Choices

Why We Should Give Our Cats Choices

A PPG Member Profile featuring Pet Professional Guild Australia member, Andrea Carne of Cattitude in Cradoc, Tasmania     Andrea Carne is a feline behavior consultant who owns and operates Cattitude in Cradoc, Tasmania, Australia   Tell us a little...
Setting Your Dog Up for Success

Setting Your Dog Up for Success

This article reviews the just-published Do No Harm Dog Training and Behavior Handbook by Linda Michaels     By Katherine Porter   From pet parents to pet professionals, rejoice for a new paradigm in dog training behavior modification! The Do No...
What If My Dog Doesn’t Like You?

What If My Dog Doesn’t Like You?

This article sets out steps you can take to help ensure a smooth introduction between your human-reactive dog and your new partner, as well as their extended family     By Gail Radtke   Sudden life changes can bring both...
Hunting the Elusive Red Dot

Hunting the Elusive Red Dot

This article examines a recent study that explores the downside of laser light pointers in feline play and outlines alternative toy and puzzle choices to ensure cats have the opportunity to complete the hunting sequence       By Andrea...