A Note From Your New Editor

Aug 16, 2022 | BARKS from the Guild

Hello! My name is Paula Garber, and I’m the new editor of BARKS from the Guild! I wanted to take a moment to say hello and introduce myself. I started my professional cat training and behavior consulting career in 2014, when I launched my business, LIFELINE Cat Behavior Solutions. Before studying animal behavior, I worked as a freelance editorial professional in the publishing and education industries for more than 25 years. I’ve been a proud member of the Pet Professional Guild since 2015 and was the chair of PPG’s Feline Division from 2016 until just recently. I have also presented at several of PPG’s educational events (maybe we’ve met at one of them?). As editor of BARKS from the Guild, my goal is to continue the publication’s legacy as the go-to resource for force-free training and pet care professionals everywhere. If you are a PPG member or corporate partner, my hope is for you to also see BARKS as a place to showcase your knowledge, skills and offerings, so please don’t hesitate to contact me with your ideas for articles, blog posts, and podcasts. And to all BARKS from the Guild subscribers and fans, if there’s something you’d like to see featured in any of the BARKS formats, I’d love to hear from you! I can be reached at editor@barksfromtheguild.com. I look forward to both serving and working with you to provide content of the highest quality that you will find enjoyable and useful in your work with pets and their owners. Thank you!