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Latest Advocacy Articles

How Writing a Book on Canine Behavior Changed My Life

How Writing a Book on Canine Behavior Changed My Life

by Annie Phenix When my publisher’s acquisition editor called me out of the blue in July 2021 to ask if I would write a second edition to my first canine behavior book, The Midnight Dog Walkers, my immediate response was a firm “no.” I had many reasons to decline. I had removed myself from the ...
20 Problems With Punishment in Animal Training

20 Problems With Punishment in Animal Training

  by Dr. Karolina Westlund Recently there was a video post in my Facebook feed that caught my attention. Typically, on Facebook, I’m a bit of a lurker. I’m not very active, and when I do watch videos I often don’t share, like or comment – even when perhaps I should. This time, I watched, ...

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The Art of Teamwork

The Art of Teamwork

By Gail Radtke In a previous article I wrote about how my dog, Lanie, became a St. John Ambulance (SJA) therapy dog in British Columbia, Canada (see The Miracle Mutt, BARKS from the Guild, October 2014, pp. 36-39). Lanie was a year old at ...
A Stronger Partnership

A Stronger Partnership

To celebrate the recent launch of PPG’s Horses with Voices initiative, Kathie Gregory discusses how we can give our horses a voice, as well as build confidence and resilience, through motivation
PPG Advocacy Panel: Making Education More Accessible

PPG Advocacy Panel: Making Education More Accessible

By Susan Nilson The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel was launched in August and has already held its first three sessions, where the panel discussed How To Best Advocate for Positive Reinforcement Methods, How to Reach and Work ...
An Open Letter to Animal Shelters and Rescues

An Open Letter to Animal Shelters and Rescues

By the Pet Professional Guild Geek Week 2021 "For the Love of Rescue": Supporting Shelter and Rescue Continued Professional Development A day does not go by where we, the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) do not see and recognize all the hard work ...
The Physical Effects of Harmful Training Devices

The Physical Effects of Harmful Training Devices

By Niki Tudge and Susan Nilson* In addition to the potential psychological effects of using training devices that cause pain or evoke fear, there is also the issue of possible physical damage to consider. We present here a variety of ...
Pet Professional Guild Establishes Advocacy Panel to Broaden Educational Reach

Pet Professional Guild Establishes Advocacy Panel to Broaden Educational Reach

OFFICIAL PPG NEWS RELEASE | LECANTO, Fla. - July 29, 2021 - The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) has established an Advocacy Panel as part of its key mission to support pet guardian education and make it accessible to a wider audience. PPG ...
A Cautionary Tale

A Cautionary Tale

By Kayla Sprague Before entering the world of dog training I had never really had an opinion on shock collars. To me they were just another kind of collar, another way to train a dog. I was unaware of any negative effects. After studying ...
A Letter to the First Dogs about Training Gear

A Letter to the First Dogs about Training Gear

Woofs from Gizmo's Office Hey Major and Champ! I wanted to drop you a quick note and congratulate you both on your new “digs!” It’s great watching fellow canines once again enjoying the lush green lawns of the peoples’ house. Your hoomans ...