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Advocating Together—The Mission, Vision and Values of the Pet Professional Guild

Advocating Together—The Mission, Vision and Values of the Pet Professional Guild

by Niki Tudge Each of us wants to bring about change in our industry. We yearn for a day when pain and fear are no longer used in the training and care of pets. We have a mammoth job ahead of us, and it most certainly is not a sprint but a marathon. It is possible to hold professional ...
Chat & Chuckle with Jeanette Davis of Feline Rescue Association and Silver Whiskers Animal Rescue

Chat & Chuckle with Jeanette Davis of Feline Rescue Association and Silver Whiskers Animal Rescue

Join PPG Feline Division Chair Laura Cassiday and Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison, also with the PPG Feline Division, as they chat and chuckle with Jeanette Davis of the Feline Rescue Association and Silver Whiskers Animal Rescue in Baltimore, Maryland, about keeping community cats warm in the ...

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Lawn Chemicals and Dogs

Spring is a time when people work and play on their lawns. It is also when many folks apply weed killers. I did so for years and thought nothing of it.  Then in 2016 I read an article in a local newspaper and learned that a nearby village was ...

The Reality of TV Dog Training

By Niki Tudge and Susan Nilson In recent years, much creditable scientific study has been given to dog training and behavior modification methods and their respective efficacy and consequences. The preponderance of the evidence shown by ...

Give New Pets Time to Adjust

Getting a new pet is exciting and family members may feel eager to get started with all the fun they have imagined having with their new addition. That is certainly how I felt about every new animal which I took into my care over the ...

Partnering With the Veterinary Community

As a force-free professional dog trainer and behavior consultant I practice a holistic approach to pet care and training and have worked to develop a network of professionals in various fields who serve the needs of dog owners. These services ...

Halloween and Pet Welfare

I confess that Halloween is my favorite holiday. I enjoy the creative costumes, haunted house attractions and horror films.  For me, the creepy nature of the holiday is fun. Behaviorally healthy dogs may accept Halloween activities like ...

Five Rules for Humans Living in Catlandia

By Daniel “DQ” Quagliozzi Humans and cats have been trying to peacefully coexist for centuries, and for the most part, we are doing okay…with a little room for improvement.  Our relationship with cats has definitely changed over time, with ...

Pet Professional Guild Response To Joint Industry Code of Conduct

Official Pet Professional Guild (PPG) response to the announcement (September 11, 2018) by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC), the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), and the Certification Council ...

Pet Professional Guild Responds to the UK Government’s Decision to Ban Electronic Shock Collars in Pet Training, Care, Behavior Modification, and Management

The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) fully supports and applauds the Government of the United Kingdom’s decision to implement a nationwide ban on the use of remote control electric shock collars for the training, management, and care for pets. ...