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Latest Behavior Articles

New Bird on the Block

New Bird on the Block

By Vicki Ronchette   Over the years I have introduced several parrots into my flock of companion birds. During this time I have found there are some things that should be done early on to help shape the bird into a good companion, while also giving him time and respecting his ...
I Pushed My Friend off the Sofa! Whoops… [How to deal with undesirable guest/animal interactions]

I Pushed My Friend off the Sofa! Whoops… [How to deal with undesirable guest/animal interactions]

By Ryan Cartlidge   I’m not proud of it, but recently I pushed a friend – who was staying at our house – off our sofa! Find out why below (as well as how to avoid doing it yourself) … This happened during the festive season, and if you are like us, you probably have lots of ...

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How Good Are You at Assessing Your Animal’s Emotional State?

How Good Are You at Assessing Your Animal’s Emotional State?

By Karolina Westlund Ph.D. of PPG corporate partner Illis Animal Behaviour Consulting I recently did a little experiment on Facebook. First, my friends and followers helped me name the company’s new mascot, and they also told me what ...
What Makes a Cat a Cat?

What Makes a Cat a Cat?

By Dr. Liz Bales What is the essence of a cat? When we understand what motivates a cat’s behavior, we understand what to expect from a cat — as a human companion and a companion to other cats in our homes. With this information, we can ...
Dog Training in “3D”: Harnessing the Concepts of Distance, Duration and Distractions

Dog Training in “3D”: Harnessing the Concepts of Distance, Duration and Distractions

By Joan Hunter Mayer of PPG corporate partner Transpaw Gear® At TransPaw Gear, we want people to have adventures with dogs that are safe and fun. One way to help ensure that happens is by teaching dogs a few key skills. Concepts that apply to ...
Dudley the Wonder Fish

Dudley the Wonder Fish

By Sharon Empson It has been a little over a year since I trained Dudley as part of my Karen Pryor Academy Certification as a Pet Trainer. Not wanting to add more furry pets to our home, I chose a fish as my “other species.” I bought Dudley ...
Puppy House Training 101

Puppy House Training 101

By Sally Bradbury House training is all about creating good habits. Young pups have very small bladders and very little bladder control, so they need to be in the right place when nature calls. To house train successfully in as short a time ...
The Giveaway: On the Loss of a Beloved Pet

The Giveaway: On the Loss of a Beloved Pet

For the first time, I missed the writing deadline for my monthly PPG blog this month.  Sadly, it was unavoidable, as I could muster neither the energy or the words to do so. We each lose our beloved pets, and in the past couple of years I have ...
Feline Litter Box Problems: The Needs of the Many

Feline Litter Box Problems: The Needs of the Many

By Andrea Carne The Star Trek character Spock once said: “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one.” (Meyer, 1982). This movie quote popped into my mind upon reading the findings of a new ...
Overcoming Fear of Vet Visits

Overcoming Fear of Vet Visits

By Susan Nilson and Angelica Steinker  Based in Adelaide, Australia, Petra Edwards is currently working on her Ph.D, which focuses primarily on how dogs experience visits to the veterinary clinic while also looking at possible strategies ...