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Latest Behavior Articles

One for the Birds

One for the Birds

Aviaries not only provide mental stimulation but are an ideal opportunity to train birds while surrounded by distractions.
The Harness Is Coming – Run for the Hills!

The Harness Is Coming – Run for the Hills!

  I often wonder why some of us expect our dogs to miraculously accept collars, harnesses, leashes, and the like. After all, dogs are not born with these alien contraptions attached to their person! But some of this gear must feel restrictive, worrying, anxiety-provoking, or ...

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New Bird on the Block

New Bird on the Block

By Vicki Ronchette   Over the years I have introduced several parrots into my flock of companion birds. During this time I have found there are some things that should be done early on to help shape the bird into a good ...
I Pushed My Friend off the Sofa! Whoops… [How to deal with undesirable guest/animal interactions]

I Pushed My Friend off the Sofa! Whoops… [How to deal with undesirable guest/animal interactions]

By Ryan Cartlidge   I’m not proud of it, but recently I pushed a friend – who was staying at our house – off our sofa! Find out why below (as well as how to avoid doing it yourself) … This happened during the festive season, ...
­­Compulsive Eating in Dogs

­­Compulsive Eating in Dogs

By Maureen Tay   Also known as compulsive eating disorder, compulsive eating is a disorder where a dog tends to eat everything - from food items to non-food items. The specific practice of eating non-food, non-nutritive ...
Training a Blind Dog

Training a Blind Dog

By Miki Saito   Unfortunately, even knowledgeable and experienced trainers sometimes hesitate when it comes to working with a blind dog. It is as if they consider the dog’s blindness an obstacle that cannot be overcome. Since ...
What Puppy Toy Next?

What Puppy Toy Next?

  By Anna Bradley If you're anything like me, I absolutely love buying my dogs new toys. The look on their faces is pure joy and excitement when the novelty factor of a new toy kicks in – there's nothing like it! But then they ...
My Animal Is Not Food Motivated – AT ALL! [Your 9-point motivational checklist]

My Animal Is Not Food Motivated – AT ALL! [Your 9-point motivational checklist]

By Ryan Cartlidge   Have you ever wanted to train an animal that was ‘not food motivated’? This challenge is something I have often heard people tell me over the years! And I always think to myself, “does your animal eat?” If ...
Aggression from Hearing Impairment?

Aggression from Hearing Impairment?

By Morag Heirs As any reputable behavior consultant will tell you, all animals presenting with a behavior problem should first be checked by a vet. As behavior consultants, we work on veterinary referral for a number of reasons. ...
A Positive Exchange

A Positive Exchange

By Cecelia Sumner  One of my general observations about dogs is they are not good at sharing. From a canine point of view, attention, food, toys, even a comfortable resting place might be worth protecting from encroachment. And, the ...