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Latest Behavior Articles

Thunder, Lightning and Barometric Pressure

Thunder, Lightning and Barometric Pressure

By Carolyn Kocman   Owners and caretakers can almost always recognize phobia related behaviors. Shaking, drooling, panting, restlessness, pacing, clinging to owners and hiding are all fairly overt and recognizable behaviors that can be triggered by such things as loud noises or ...
Building the ‘Super Learner’

Building the ‘Super Learner’

By Kate Mallatratt   One of my behavior colleagues posed a very interesting question recently, “If you always set your dog up for success and aim for errorless learning, are you not stunting your dog’s ability for critical thinking, limiting his opportunity to enjoy problem ...

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Stress-Free Car Travel with Your Dog

Stress-Free Car Travel with Your Dog

Just recently I've helped several owners with dogs who've developed real aversions to car travel. Definitely this hasn't been helped by not going places in the car during lockdown. Maybe these dogs haven't set foot in the car at all but now ...
It’s All in the Management

It’s All in the Management

By Dr. Morag Heirs When you are dealing with a deaf puppy or an adolescent deaf dog in a rescue environment, mouthing and nipping is often high on the list of problem behaviors. Do deaf dogs and puppies mouth, nip or grab more than hearing ...
Playing It Safe

Playing It Safe

By Andrea Carne “Play with your cat more – and give him a meaty diet…” I wouldn’t be surprised if variations on this kind of advice has been given by vets and cat behavior consultants over the eons. And indeed, in addition to being ...
Play vs. Aggression

Play vs. Aggression

By Maureen Tay As a trainer, the issue of aggression is raised a lot. Indeed, it is the most commonly reported behavior issue by dog owners (Overall, 2013). One owner who contacted me recently had adopted a new dog and called me to say that ...
The Porcine Phenomenon

The Porcine Phenomenon

By Lara Joseph As we all know, animals are fascinating, especially when it comes to their ability to learn and their individuality. I am attracted to intelligent animals who learn quickly and are able to change their behavior to get a new ...
Compare My Dog Dot Com!

Compare My Dog Dot Com!

We most definitely live in a 'comparison society.' Many of us are prone to comparing ourselves to others, their merits or otherwise, what they've achieved, what they own, don't own, their assets – everything, in fact! I find this a lot in ...
BARKS Podcast with Victoria Stilwell: April 23, 2021

BARKS Podcast with Victoria Stilwell: April 23, 2021

Join Niki Tudge and Victoria Stilwell of Positively as they chat about all things "positive." Listen to the Podcast here on your preferred platform. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Victoria Stilwell is a world-renowned dog trainer best known as ...
A New Trend in Dog Boarding

A New Trend in Dog Boarding

By Rachel Brix Pioneered by Dr. Hal Markowitz in the 1960s, enrichment originated from a focus on zoo animals. He called zoos “concrete wastelands” (Bender & Strong, 2019) and was determined to improve the animals’ lives in captivity. He ...