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Latest Behavior Articles

Exotic Animals and Shelter Awareness

Exotic Animals and Shelter Awareness

By Lara Joseph   As animal trainers and behavior consultants, our work can appear very appealing to pet owners and those who work with and take care of animals. What we demonstrate in our training is a very important tool we can use to educate the public about how our work is ...
The Aftermath of “Boot Camp”

The Aftermath of “Boot Camp”

By Amanda Ballard   [At the time of writing] Kobe is an 18-month-old terrier cross, who is loved madly by his person, Lizzie. My private consultation session with them is the only one in 10 years that has moved me to tears, right there in front of the owner. It absolutely broke ...

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Banking the Positive

Banking the Positive

'Banking the Positive' is actually a comment I wish I could take credit for, but it's actually something one of my clients said. She came up with it during a conversation we were having about her dog during some walk and train sessions. The ...
The Power of Play

The Power of Play

By Margo Patrick *This post is a selected entry from the Pet Professional Guild Writers’ Competition for Geek Week 2020* My goal is to educate and facilitate health, wellness and communication through building or repairing the relationship ...
Once More, with Feeling

Once More, with Feeling

By Andrea Carne A friend gave me a coffee cup some time ago which reads, “Cats know how you feel…they don’t care, but they know.” Well, recent research reveals that such comical turns of phrase are untrue. Not only can cats perceive our ...
Eat, PURR, Love

Eat, PURR, Love

By Andrea Carne Read the next sentence very carefully (and with a large pinch of salt): Feeding your cat one meal a day might be best. I can almost hear the gasps from cat guardians across the world! “Feed my cat once a day? Are you crazy?” ...
How to Become a Better Animal Trainer

How to Become a Better Animal Trainer

By Karolina Westlund Ph.D. of PPG corporate partner Illis Animal Behaviour Consulting It took me years to realize this, but there are some approaches that really propelled my learning about animal behaviour management in general, and animal ...
Managing an Aggressive,  Fearful, or Reactive Dog

Managing an Aggressive, Fearful, or Reactive Dog

By Don Hanson When you have a dog that is exhibiting aggressive behavior, you have a responsibility to keep yourself, your family, your pets, and your community safe. A dog that is behaving aggressively is experiencing some form of ...
The One Thing No Amount of Studying Can Teach You about Dogs

The One Thing No Amount of Studying Can Teach You about Dogs

By Michelle Underwood *This post is a selected entry from the Pet Professional Guild Writers’ Competition for Geek Week 2020* Observing dogs, particularly my own, is one of my favorite pastimes. I love how we can try and understand their ...
Maintaining a Rewarding Relationship with Your Dog

Maintaining a Rewarding Relationship with Your Dog

By Tiff Shao *This post is a selected entry from the Pet Professional Guild Writers’ Competition for Geek Week 2020 * The aquamarine waters looked extra enticing as we approached the river crossing. It was a hot August day and the previous ...