Stress-Free Car Travel with Your Dog

Stress-Free Car Travel with Your Dog

Just recently I've helped several owners with dogs who've developed real aversions to car travel. Definitely ...
Compare My Dog Dot Com!

Compare My Dog Dot Com!

We most definitely live in a 'comparison society.' Many of us are prone to comparing ourselves to others, their ...
Life Beyond Leash Reactivity

Life Beyond Leash Reactivity

As far as behavior consults go, it's fair to say that reactivity is probably my most commonly encountered ...
8 Pawsome Autumn/Fall Tips for Dog Guardians

8 Pawsome Autumn/Fall Tips for Dog Guardians

It seems like no time since the year was just beginning and the trees were coming into bud. And yet somehow, ...
A Problem Like ‘Down’!

A Problem Like ‘Down’!

In a training class, I always find that a significant number of dogs (and their guardians, of course) have some ...

How to Be More in Tune with Your Dog

How can I bond better with my dog? How do we connect more? I'm not even sure she even likes me! We care about ...

Do “Carbon Copy” Dogs Exist?

We love our dogs so much, but sometimes there is that one dog who just sort of raises her head just that little ...

Muzzles Schmuzzles…Not “Just Another Piece of Kit!”

Saying the word “muzzle,” suggesting the use of and/or using one, or seeing a dog wearing one can have negative ...

Lockdown to Normality…What Does It Mean for Dogs?

I've spent a lot of time over these last few weeks writing about how to help dogs and their guardians during the ...

Dog Trainers: Still Here to Help – Virtually!

Progressively, over the last couple of months, I have seen my client contact change dramatically. Classes, ...

Self-Isolation? Don’t Forget the Furries!

What unprecedented and uncertain times we're in. I'm speaking from the viewpoint in the the UK but COVID-19, aka ...