Dog Behaviour and Managing Our Frustrations

We wouldn't be human if frustration didn't sometimes creep in when managing our dogs, particularly when helping ...

Jumping…A Perfectly Incompatible Solution!

As an animal behavior consultant, one of the most frequently asked questions I hear is, 'How do I stop my dog ...

A Little Doggy “Me Time” this Holiday Season!

Okay, you've unwrapped the pressies, eaten the turkey, spent time with the family, watched endless hours of ...

Perfect Dog? What You Put In Is What You Get Out

So many times people say to me - your dog must be perfectly behaved right? Well...yes, he responds very well to ...

Being Social…..and Polite

I have seen many posts on social media recently by dog owners regarding 'out of control' dogs in public spaces. ...

From 1 to 2…Smoothing the Transition

So you've decided after much decision and debate that another four-legged member will join your household.  It's ...

No Recall? Is It Really Your Dog’s Fault?

Of all the doggy and doggy parent issues, not coming back when called has got to be nearing the top of the list. ...

Double Asset or Double Trouble?

There comes a time in many dog owner's lives where the thought is sprung.... 'I wonder if Fido would like a ...

10 Ways To Improve You and Your Dog’s Behavioral Relationship

Sometimes we get a little stuck in a rut, same old, same old - its easy, life is fast, time is hard to come by.  ...

The ‘Quick Fix’ – Not So Quick After All

In today's society, it seems everything has to happen 'now.'  Results are expected instantaneously and I think, ...

‘Spring Clean’ Your Relationship!

Spring's here (almost), the weather's improving, the mud's drying, the morning's are getting lighter and the ...