Dog Owner Confidence Crash!

There's so much written about emotions of our dogs, how they're thinking and what they're feeling in various ...

10 Reasons Why the Holidays Might Not Be So Full of Festive Cheer for Your Pet

It's nearly Christmas, traditionally the time of year when we look forward to enjoying lots of yummy food, time ...

Dogs and ‘Digging In’

I work with many owners of rescue or re-homed dogs and one topic I've thought about many times, sometimes raised ...

The Power of Desensitization

Desensitization is a tool I use in my armory virtually every day - it's ultra powerful, versatile and it works ...

How to Make Your Training Work!

All dogs can learn amazing things. Sometimes it's us (maybe more than sometimes!) who don't allow our dogs to ...

Multinational Canine Behaviour Modification

Over the last two years or so, my behaviour practice has welcomed more and more dogs from overseas. Sometimes ...

YOUR Dog, No Comparison

This is a subject I've always meant to write about and somehow it always slips my mind until the topic crops ups ...

New Puppy – What Now?

We're getting a puppy!  How amazingly, brilliantly, wonderfully exciting.... then puppy arrives! No, really - ...