What Makes a ‘Good Dog’ and Do Current Dog Training Classes Teach these Skills?

I define a ‘good’ dog as a dog who is considered part of the family, can stay home alone if necessary but goes ...

Do Dogs Have a Right to Say NO?

Aren’t dogs supposed to do as they are told and follow so-called "commands?" They are just dogs after all. ...

Are You Ready for Your New Puppy? For How Many Years?

Puppies are just too cute, it is almost beyond words! However these cute puppies grow up very quickly and become ...

The Challenges of Teenage Dogs

Dog owners are not always prepared for the challenges of a teen-aged dog: This can include their emotional ...

Socialize Your Puppy but Let Him Play, too!

Fifty years ago not too many trainers or owners talked about socialization. Not because puppies did not need it, ...

Stress-Free Holidays with Your Dog

Easter is just around the corner and what could be better than taking the dog for a short or long break. There ...