Puppy House Training 101

Puppy House Training 101

By Sally Bradbury House training is all about creating good habits. Young pups have very small bladders and ...
Feline Litter Box Problems: The Needs of the Many

Feline Litter Box Problems: The Needs of the Many

By Andrea Carne The Star Trek character Spock once said: “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many ...
Four on the Floor

Four on the Floor

By Donna Savoie Who doesn’t LOVE a puppy? And it is wonderful when puppies LOVE their owners’ guests. But it is ...
Overcoming Fear of Vet Visits

Overcoming Fear of Vet Visits

By Susan Nilson and Angelica Steinker  Based in Adelaide, Australia, Petra Edwards is currently working on her ...
Lockdown Learning from Home

Lockdown Learning from Home

By Animal Courses Direct, a PPG corporate partner Short CPD Courses for Dog Lovers brought to you by Animal ...
Creating Puppy Zen

Creating Puppy Zen

As soon as puppy comes home, allow her to have a designated place to sleep and rest away from everyone else and ...
Handler Signals in Dog Training

Handler Signals in Dog Training

While much of dog training seems to be focused on the dog, smart trainers know that handlers can and do affect ...
The Fearful Rescue Dog Who Changed My Life

The Fearful Rescue Dog Who Changed My Life

By Gloria Schmidt *This post is the Pet Professional Guild runner up entry in our Geek Week 2020 Writers’ ...
Rethinking Dominance in Horses

Rethinking Dominance in Horses

By Dorothy Heffernan In 21st century horse keeping, we require a range of behaviors from our horses. Some of ...
Good Kharma: Lessons from a Retired Greyhound

Good Kharma: Lessons from a Retired Greyhound

By Devene Godau *This post is the Pet Professional Guild winning entry in our Geek Week 2020 Writers’ ...