A Change of Perspective

A Change of Perspective

Let’s take the example of an elderly horse. An owner may base all their decisions about him with his age in mind, ...
Lessons from Exotics

Lessons from Exotics

As my experience working with this lemur pair shows, training the multiple varieties of species the exotic world ...
Reading Cats’ Minds

Reading Cats’ Minds

Has your cat shown a physical change to the way he goes about his normal daily routine? Has he stopped jumping up ...
From Shelter Dog to Service Dog

From Shelter Dog to Service Dog

Much of the debate surrounding service animals in public spaces has to do with how well-behaved the animal is and ...
Tell Us What You Really Think

Tell Us What You Really Think

"...humans are very noun-centric. We name everything. Dogs, however, may have very little use of nouns. Instead, ...
Message Received!

Message Received!

The “high squeaky voice” rule is meant to provide the dog with more motivating, stimulating auditory input that – ...

Shock-Free Coalition Launches Pledge Drive to Educate Pet Professionals and Guardians on the Risks of Using Shock as a Training Tool

Initiative will offer an array of educational prizes as incentive for participants to share their knowledge with ...

Me, the Pet Professional Guild, and My Village People

By Coleen Ellis I’m just coming off an amazing weekend with yet another Pet Loss and Grief Companioning ...

PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: Zen Games – Should I Stay or Should I Go?

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Workshops in Phoenix, Arizona Session ...

Official News Release: PPG Announces Virtual Summit to Celebrate Launch of New Pet Rescue Resource

April event will mark unveiling of Behavior and Welfare Toolkit, specifically designed to help increase adoption ...

Guess What – That Dog Video Is Probably Fake!

By Eileen Anderson Many of us are beguiled by videos where dogs appear to be doing something very human or ...

PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: Please Don’t Stress Me-owt! Feline Stress and Stressors in the Shelter, the Veterinary Clinic, and the Home

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Workshops in Phoenix, Arizona Session ...