The Power of the Clicker

By Donna Savoie Dickens’ family purchased him from a breeder when he was five months old. The breeder did not ...

When Food Toys “Fail”

By Eileen Anderson How many of us have heard about food-toy failures from our friends and clients? “I tried the ...

On the Danger of Dog Collars

By Karolina Westlund Ph.D. of PPG corporate partner Illis Animal Behaviour Consulting There’s a debate raging in ...

All Hallows and…..All Positive

By Anna Bradley October 31 (and the following week up until November 5 here in the United Kingdom) might be ...
Trigger Warning!

Trigger Warning!

We’re all familiar with the term “threshold,” the magical line where, when kept under it, our dogs can focus and ...
Training Horses with Positive Reinforcement: Taking Cues from the Dog World

Training Horses with Positive Reinforcement: Taking Cues from the Dog World

...horses in the wild do not have a strict dominance hierarchy, and your horse is not trying to dominate you if ...
Helping Fearful Cats

Helping Fearful Cats

Cats are solitary hunters and prefer to avoid threats rather than face them. They use hiding as a coping strategy ...

A Miniature Puppet Master

By Bob McMillan I’d heard about dogs like Bentley—manipulative, ready to take over the house and quite likely ...

The Pet Professional Guild Position Statement on Cat Declawing

Introduction The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) believes that all cats have an intrinsic right to be treated ...

Position Statement on PPG’s Pet Industry Education Mandate

The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) and its membership hold themselves accountable to a high standard of ethics, ...

PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: Bunny Cooperative Care

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Multi-Species Workshop Events in Phoenix, ...

PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: Building Stronger Teams for the Shelter

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Multi-Species Workshop Events in Phoenix, ...