May 31, 2019: Manitoba Vets Vote to Ban Declawing

Manitoba has become the sixth Canadian Province to ban the practice of declawing cats, a procedure that amputates ...

Behavior Suppression Is Not the Same as Behavior Modification

By Jenny Efimova Reactive behavior is the tip of the iceberg. It’s what we see: the lunging, the barking, the ...

May 16, 2019: Australian Capital Territory Overhauls Animal Welfare Legislation

Under the legislation, "[p]et shops and boarding kennels will be licensed and all pets recognised as 'sentient ...
Helping Pet Families in Need

Helping Pet Families in Need

By Alicia Obando I had become quite familiar and active with the pet care and rescue organizations around my city ...
Humane Education

Humane Education

By Stephanie Peters Humane programs that incorporate animal interaction have a profound capacity to help students ...
Stable Life

Stable Life

By Kathie Gregory In the equine world, I would say it is widely accepted that a horse may live the majority of his ...
The “Ouch” You’ll Never Hear

The “Ouch” You’ll Never Hear

By Andrea Carne ...according to Bahr (2017), up until recently “it was thought cats did not experience pain at ...
From Foes to Friends

From Foes to Friends

By Tori Ganino By the end of the second week and into the beginning of the third week since arriving at our home, ...
A Better Awareness of Overarousal

A Better Awareness of Overarousal

By Anna Bradley When mentioning “arousal” or “overarousal,” dog owners may have some idea as to their definition, ...
Busting the Muzzle Myth

Busting the Muzzle Myth

By Rachel Brix Walking the busy streets of our small tourist town with my dog, the looks on people's faces range ...
From Zero to Hero

From Zero to Hero

By Ariel Baber A lot of people may get annoyed when a dog wakes them up, particularly if they are woken up by him ...

Dog Tired? When Exercise Wakes him Up Rather than Tires Him Out!

By Sue McCabe Many years ago, at a seminar in Edinburgh, I heard Patricia McConnell say that most dog ...