How to Make the Transition to Full-Time Dog Pro

By Veronica Boutelle of PPG corporate partner, dogbiz If your dream is to work with dogs for a living but ...

How Long Does It Take to Train a Dog?

By Sue McCabe At puppy class recently, we started retrieve training. Students were shown this video (below), ...

April 26, 2019: Dog Owners More Likely to Meet Physical Activity Guidelines than Non-Dog Owners

A study conducted in West Cheshire, England has found that dog owners are considerably more active than people ...

April 22, 2019: Study Examines Canine Laterality

While some dogs are "left pawed" and some are "right pawed," the study found that laterality did not appear to ...

Confessions of a Dog Trainer. Part 1: Feeding from the Table!

By Sue McCabe I have a confession. I sometimes feed my dogs from the table.  When I go out to eat with my ...

April 17, 2019: Study Examines Use of Normal and Abnormal Behaviors to Affect Motivational State

The study concludes that abnormal behavior usually indicates poor welfare, regardless of whether it was initially ...

Does Your Animal Have Control?

By Karolina Westlund Ph.D. of PPG corporate partner Illis Animal Behaviour Consulting Many animal trainers, ...

April 15, 2019: Study Finds Emotional Mirror Neurons in the Rat

Researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have tested the theory of empathy in rats and found the ...

The Reality of TV Dog Training

By Niki Tudge and Susan Nilson In recent years, much creditable scientific study has been given to dog training ...

Dog Training: Why I Do It

By Joanne Ometz Eight people enter the room with five puppies. I encourage whole families to attend my puppy ...

April 10, 2019: New Survey to Research Cases of Shock Being Used on Pets without Owners’ Permission

In the wake of a number of recent news stories, the Pet Professional Guild Advocacy Committee is starting to ...

Treats that Beat Squirrels!

By Yvette Van Veen Treats that Beat Squirrels! What if I told you that tiny little treats could beat a high ...