Portland Blog Competition: Lessons from Bogie

By Shannon Finch  I want to warn you at the outset, Bogie's story doesn't have a happy ending. Everything that ...

October 15, 2018: Study Investigates Blue Eye Coloring in Dogs

Author summary: "The genetic underpinnings of many phenotypic traits in domestic dogs remain undiscovered. ...
The Effects of Declawing

The Effects of Declawing

By Bridget Lehet It is estimated that “the vast majority (80 percent) of declawed cats have at least one ...
A Lesson in Compassion

A Lesson in Compassion

By Angelica Steinker As the consult progressed, I made a casual remark about the importance of avoiding aversive ...

A Lure By Any Name is Still a Lure

By Yvette Van Veen Luring a dog towards something he fears is a problematic practice most recognize. ...
The Challenge of Breed Discrimination

The Challenge of Breed Discrimination

By Kim Iffert It was finally a beautiful day in Chicago so I grabbed my bag, my leash, a pocket full of treats and ...

Pet Tutor…My Hero

By Smart Animal Training (A letter from Malena DeMartini-Price CTC CDBC) Dear Wes & Amanda at Smart Animal ...

October 4, 2018: New Study Reveals Verbal Cues May Not Be Most Effective Way to Train Dogs

A new study involving the examination the brains of 19 awake dogs via fMRI to measure reward-related learning via ...
Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

By Frania Shelley-Grielen Americans love pets. We love them so much that most of us, or 68 percent of us, live ...
Conditioning Confidence

Conditioning Confidence

By Vicki Ronchette Whether or not you are bringing home a new baby bird, a rehomed adult bird or just want to ...
Successful Cage Set-Ups

Successful Cage Set-Ups

By Vicki Ronchette Whether or not you are bringing home a new baby bird, a rehomed adult bird or just want to ...
From the Horse’s Mouth

From the Horse’s Mouth

By Dr. Lisel O'Dwyer Since I began clicker training, I have observed horse owners have a few misconceptions about ...