Getting on Their Level

Getting on Their Level

By Emily Cassell Rabbits are well known for their ability to, well, multiply like rabbits. They are not however, ...

Reaching the Holy Grail of Training

 By Yvette Van Veen Years ago, I taught our Kiki a formal recall using targeting.  Systematically I proceeded ...

7 Ways to Get Behaviour

Guest Post by Karolina Westlund Ph.D There are two important questions to ask before teaching an animal a new ...
Ask the Experts: But I Hate Marketing!

Ask the Experts: But I Hate Marketing!

By Veronica Boutelle Part of the distaste around marketing for most positive reinforcement dog professionals is ...
A Positive Impact

A Positive Impact

By Pam Francis-Tuss A five-week program that meets three days per week, Adolescent Learning Powered by Humane ...
The Three C’s of Enrichment

The Three C’s of Enrichment

By Lara Joseph Shaping challenges in an animal’s environment is something I see caretakers struggle with on a ...
The Miracle Mutt

The Miracle Mutt

By Gail Radtke ...when [Lanie] was a year old, I applied to the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program in Maple ...
Performance Anxiety

Performance Anxiety

By Kathie Gregory People such as the vet and the farrier need to get the job done in a timely manner. They do not ...
Think Outside the Cage

Think Outside the Cage

By Amy Martin Parrots thrive in an environment worthy of investigation. In fact, healthy parrots require this. No ...
Aggression from Hearing Impairment?

Aggression from Hearing Impairment?

By Morag Heirs In the case of early or late-onset deafness where the presenting dog was not born deaf, but has ...