Making Room for the Little Guys

Making Room for the Little Guys

By Emily Cassell Fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rabbits, and the like are not known for their high ...
A Cry for Attention

A Cry for Attention

By Lara Joseph In the wild, it has been noted that parrots can spend up to 60 percent of their day foraging for ...
Why Do They Bark?

Why Do They Bark?

By Morag Heirs Barking is a form of communication for all dogs so it is important that we spend some time thinking ...
Marketing for Service Practitioners

Marketing for Service Practitioners

By Niki Tudge You are in the business of solving problems. You help your clients with what matters to them. You ...
Are ‘Free-Shaped’ Dogs Better Problem Solvers?

Are ‘Free-Shaped’ Dogs Better Problem Solvers?

By Carmen LeBlanc Most professional dog trainers have heard about criticisms of lure-reward training in recent ...
Target Practice

Target Practice

By Lara Joseph Training animals to target makes husbandry a lot less stressful and much safer. It is also a useful ...

August 12, 2018: New Study of Red Fox Genome Assembly Finds Candidate Gene for Tame Behaviour

The study, Red fox genome assembly identifies genomic regions associated with tame and aggressive behaviours, ...
Of Piglets and Puppies

Of Piglets and Puppies

By Lara Joseph Pigs give a squeal that can send a dog over threshold. If it does not, this same squeal, paired ...
Focus and a Visual Connection

Focus and a Visual Connection

By Morag Heirs I became interested in obedience and rally after adopting my first deaf dog, Farah, a border ...
Helping Dogs, Helping Families

Helping Dogs, Helping Families

By Daniel Antolec Years ago, puppy Samantha had come to me at eight weeks of age and, in a move that I thought ...
The Need for Self-Care

The Need for Self-Care

By Sheelah Gullion As pet professionals, many of us have pets with issues, be they behavioral or medical. Some of ...
Stimulation for Psittacines

Stimulation for Psittacines

By Amy Martin Imagine yourself sitting on a wooden chair in a room that is no more than 6 feet by 6 feet. There ...