Scratch Here, Not There

Scratch Here, Not There

By Patience Fisher Cats are almost as easy to train to use a scratching post as they are to use a litter ...

Human vs. Canine Behavior: A Brief Comparison

By Joanne Ometz “The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.” - Mark Twain This quote has become ...
The Elephant on the Stairs

The Elephant on the Stairs

By Bob McMillan For the dog owner, the experiences of James Howard Williams are an inspiration not only to train ...
Pain Underlying

Pain Underlying

By Dr. Lynn Bahr Pain is not a symptom that exists alone. Other problems associated with pain can include fatigue, ...
The Power of Water

The Power of Water

By Charlotte Pimm In conjunction with veterinary treatment, hydrotherapy can improve the quality and rate of ...

August 2, 2018: Netherlands Prohibits Use of Prong Collars

According to the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations, Netherlands law on animal ...

Ask Your Dog Questions – Overshadowing 2

By Yvette Van Veen How to ask your dog questions…overshadowing part two. My last blog introduced the concept ...
Teaching Trailer Loading

Teaching Trailer Loading

By Kathie Gregory Not all horses automatically enjoy the process of going into a trailer, yet in an emergency it ...

Get A Successful Start—Today and Every Day

By Veronica Boutelle As small business owners we live with never-ending to-do lists and a constant frustration ...

Does Ignoring an Unwanted Behavior Really Work?

By Debbie Bauer I often hear the advice given to ignore the behavior we don't like and it will go away.  But is ...

Pet Professional Guild to hold inaugural Australia summit in Sydney – Two weeks to go and 15 spots left!

Convention guarantees three full days of high-level education and networking opportunities for pet training and ...