Managing Dog-Dog Greetings

Recently I attended a dog event and observed about 30 dogs and their handlers come and go in the course of three ...

Halloween and Pet Welfare

I confess that Halloween is my favorite holiday. I enjoy the creative costumes, haunted house attractions and ...

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

Adoption is a popular option among many families who wish to bring a dog into their lives. Sometimes, their goal ...

Reading List for Dog Owners

When I got my first dog in 1983 I knew nothing about living with dogs, so naturally I got a puppy.  Needless to ...

Pet Guardians Need Help Finding Professionals

As a professional dog trainer taking behavioral cases I see how confusing it can be for pet owners to know what ...

Leaving Dogs in Cars Can Kill Them

Like many dog owners, I enjoy taking Buddha and Gandhi in my car when I run chores. They enjoy riding with me ...

The Unintended Consequences of Shock

(Confidentiality Notice: Names in this blog have been changed to protect privacy, but the facts remain unchanged. ...

Retractable Leashes Are Risky

Judging by the number of people I see walking dogs with retractable leash devices on their dogs it appears the ...

Animal Abuse Harms People Too

If you are reading this blog then I may safely assume you are an animal lover, but sometimes love is not enough. ...

Thunderphobia in Dogs

Thunderphobia is the fear of thunderstorms and it can be severe enough to make a dog’s life miserable.  It may be ...

Zoophilia*: A Hidden Horror for Animals

I entered law enforcement at 20 years of age.  When I retired 30 years later I thought I had seen the full ...

Dogs Require Daily Enrichment

As a professional dog trainer 60% of my cases are behavioral in nature. Training is about teaching dogs (and ...