Santa Claus May Scare Dogs

People around the world enjoy the winter season and many nations celebrate a version of Saint Nicholas. In the ...

Being Your Dog’s Best Advocate

In 2012, my wife and I enrolled in a therapy dog training class which led to a Pet Partners evaluation process ...

Halloween Hazards for Pets

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. A bag full of treats and scary costumes make me happy, but these ...

Professional Training and Pet Sitting

As a professional dog trainer and behavior consultant I developed a working relationship with hundreds of families ...

Does Breed Specific Legislation Work?

Recently a dog incident occurred in the tiny northern village of Plain, Wisconsin. As reported by TV news in the ...

Putting More Tools in the Tool Kit

Recently I worked with an adolescent dog that I trained as a puppy. Like many adolescents he suddenly forgot ...

Choke Collar Pathology

Recently I persuaded a local pet supply store owner to sell me all his choke collars (at cost) and refrain from ...

Dog Food Safety Recalls

Pet food safety is a big deal to me, and to my dogs. As my dog’s best advocate I want to know what is in the bag ...

Electronic Containment System or Ambush Predator?

Much has been written about electronic shock (training) devices in their various forms. With all models a dog ...

Using C-BARQ as an Assessment Tool

I accept behavioral cases within my dog training practice when I have the necessary education and experience to ...

Transparency in Training and Behavior

Those in the world of canine training and behavior know there is a wide gap between philosophy and methods ...

Ad Hoc Advocacy

Advocacy opportunities sometimes pop up unexpectedly, as happened to me in November 2016. I contribute a column ...