The Art of Teamwork
By Gail Radtke
In a previous article I wrote about how my dog, Lanie, became a St. John Ambulance (SJA) therapy dog in British Columbia, Canada (see The Miracle Mutt, BARKS from the Guild, October 2014, pp. 36-39).
Lanie was a year old at the time and had a beautiful, friendly temperament. ...

Animals: The Greatest Teachers of All
BARKS features Anna Francesca Bradley of Perfect Pawz Training and Behaviour Practice in Hexham, UK

Knowledge for Life
Don Hanson reviews Puppy Socialization: What It Is and How to Do It by Marge Rogers and Eileen Anderson

Reinforcing Foraging
Sheila S. Blanchette sets out the steps she used to train Cricket, the lone quail, to step on the scale for weighing, and how she later applied the same protocol for training chickens and roosters

A Stronger Partnership
To celebrate the recent launch of PPG’s Horses with Voices initiative, Kathie Gregory discusses how we can give our horses a voice, as well as build confidence and resilience, through motivation

Cat Sitter or Cattery?
Andrea Carne highlights ways feline behavior professionals can help cat owners decide on the best pet care option when they’re away from home

Ask the Experts: A Little Bit of Magic
Veronica Boutelle of PPG corporate partner dogbiz talks cancellation policies and how to make them stick

The Cornerstones of PPG: Engaging, Educating, and Empowering
Carolyn Menteith speaks to PPG founder and president Niki Tudge about why she started a member organization for force-free training pet professionals, what members and pet owners can expect from PPG, and what sets PPG apart