Puppies Being Puppies
By Sally Bradbury
Preventing food guarding at mealtimes is usually pretty straightforward: simply allow puppy to eat in peace. If you have more than one dog, feed them separately and teach them that the presence of a human near their food bowl always means they are there for the sole ...

A Problem Like ‘Down’!
In a training class, I always find that a significant number of dogs (and their guardians, of course) have some trouble when it comes to learning/teaching how to lie down on cue.
Why Teach Lie Down Anyway?
If we can ask our dogs to lie down on cue, it can be really useful in terms of helping ...

Phoenix Blog Competition: Blake’s Story – Adopting a Prison Program Dog
By Rhonda York
One of the many things I get to do as a dog trainer is train inmates at the Federal Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas in tandem with the Leavenworth County Humane Society.
It helps both the residents and dogs and we work together to train the dogs in the program to have ...
Young Dogs Might Be More Similar to Human Teenagers Than We Think: New Research
By Naomi D. Harvey and Lucy Asher
Speak to many dog owners and they will tell you that their once perfectly behaved puppy started to become “difficult” at around six to 12 months of age. There are articles all over the internet that advise owners on how to cope with teenage dogs. But ...

Networking for Success
By Niki Tudge
"More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject." - Peter Drucker
Networking is an effective way to spread your value through those around you. Understanding the basic mechanics of networking will increase ...

BARKS Podcast with Veronica Sanchez of Cooperative Paws Service Dog Education: September 9, 2020
Join Niki Tudge as she chats with Veronica Sanchez of Cooperative Paws Service Dog Education about the service dog industry, public access dogs, and the concept of at-home service dogs, as well as her new program, Mobility Task Training How-To’s.
Listen to Podcast here on a choice of ...

Preventing Resource Guarding in Dogs
Resource guarding is a dog’s natural tendency to protect valued possessions such as food, toys or resting locations. From a dog’s perspective, the approach of a person or animal is a potential threat to losing the valued possession. The behavior reflects a lack of trust and a fear of ...

Phoenix Blog Competition: Choices Matter
By Maria Zarate
As a veteran shelter professional, I’ve always sought outside the box to find effective and efficient methods to help residents skill build. Here are three “go to” methods we use regularly in the shelter environment and I hope you find them helpful too.
Pillow Case ...