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The Five Freedoms and Shirley

I had planned to write about a different topic today, but life often gets in the way of our plans -- such as having to euthanize one of my pets yesterday. She was just shy of 15 years and that is very old, for sheep. Her name was Shirley and she has a story to tell. My wife and I first met ...

Jumping…A Perfectly Incompatible Solution!

As an animal behavior consultant, one of the most frequently asked questions I hear is, 'How do I stop my dog from jumping up?'  Now there are, of course, multiple reasons why dogs may jump up - excitement, learned responses to given contexts, continued reinforcement (whether intended or ...

Guess What – That Dog Video Is Probably Fake!

By Eileen Anderson Many of us are beguiled by videos where dogs appear to be doing something very human or beyond what we usually consider to be their intelligence level, and some creators of dog videos exploit this tendency to get clicks. They make it appear that the dog is doing ...

PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: Please Don’t Stress Me-owt! Feline Stress and Stressors in the Shelter, the Veterinary Clinic, and the Home

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Workshops in Phoenix, Arizona Session Details: Presenter: Paula Garber Session Title: Please Don’t Stress Me-owt! Feline Stress and Stressors in the Shelter, the Veterinary Clinic, and the Home Session Type: Lecture (1 Hour) The ...

PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: Building Positive Boundaries for the Refined Suburban Canine – Teaching Dogs to Enjoy Their Yards without the Need for Electronic Devices

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Workshops in Phoenix, Arizona *Early bird discount available if you register before January 31, 2020! Session Details: Presenters: Judy Luther and Niki Tudge Session Title: Building Positive Boundaries for the Refined Suburban ...

PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: Growing Collaborative Care and Your Business

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Workshops in Phoenix, Arizona *Early bird discount available if you register before January 31, 2020! Session Details: Presenter: Tia Guest Session Title: Growing Collaborative Care and Your Business Session Type: Lecture (1 ...

Feline Behavior Unmasked: Kitten Socialization

By Francine Miller  Q: Should I socialize my kitten? I’ve heard that this is important for puppies, but is it important for kittens too? A: Yes! Although very few people are aware of how important this is, the socialization period is the time when all primary social bonds are formed and ...

PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: The Magic of Muzzles

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Workshops in Phoenix, Arizona *Early bird discount available if you register before January 31, 2020! Session Details: Presenter: Dr. Deborah Jones Session Title: The Magic of Muzzles Session Type: Lecture/Lab (1 Hour) For many ...