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Want Your Dog to Listen? Stop Doing This!

By Yvette Van Veen Dog training often boils down to a single statement. “I want my dog to listen.” It’s a reasonable request and seems simple.  We ask our dogs to do something.  In return, we want the dog to listen to that request and respond in a timely manner.  Training is the process ...

Portland Blog Competition: Redirecting Aggressive Behavior

By Dr. Lynn Bahr As cat lovers, we’ve all been scratched at least once. But why do some cats play so rough when others never scratch or bite? Cats, by their very nature, are ferocious hunters. These behaviors are formed when they are very young by instinct, observation and playing with their ...

Variety Is the Spice of Life

By Danette Johnston When I opened a dog day care 19 years ago, I did so because I had been working a shelter and noticed that the majority of the dogs in the shelter were there because they were not getting enough stimulation, both physical and mental. I thought a dog coming to day care ...

Over the Moon!

By Debbie Bauer I am over-the-moon proud of my boy Vinny this month!  He and I were away from home for three weeks this month, visiting new places, doing new things, and he took it all in stride.  We had a blast!  It was, of course, so hard to leave the other dogs for that long.  Both Vinny ...

10 Reasons Why the Holidays Might Not Be So Full of Festive Cheer for Your Pet

It's nearly Christmas, traditionally the time of year when we look forward to enjoying lots of yummy food, time with our friends and family, hopefully a break from work and of course - pressies! Lots of us also think about involving our dogs and cats and other furries in the festivities; ...

Which Pavlov Is on Your Shoulder?

The trainer Bob Bailey is often quoted as saying that when one is training an animal, “Pavlov is on your shoulder.” He is reminding us that while we are training operant behaviors (sit, down, fetch, weave), there are also respondent behaviors and respondent conditioning occurring. Respondent ...

Partnering With the Veterinary Community

As a force-free professional dog trainer and behavior consultant I practice a holistic approach to pet care and training and have worked to develop a network of professionals in various fields who serve the needs of dog owners. These services are grooming, pet sitting, boarding, daycare, pet ...

When Standard Positive Reinforcement Fails

By Yvette Van Veen Early in my dog training days, I remember having a brain storming conversation with a trainer friend who was also a mentor.  To put it in context, this person was ahead of me in their learning curve.  She was quite good but was also early in her journey.  I learned from ...