Helping Pet Families in Need

May 13, 2019 | Uncategorized

By Alicia Obando

© Can Stock Photo/IvonneWierink

I had become quite familiar and active with the pet care and rescue organizations around my city of Chicago, Illinois. I saw that there were lots of organizations helping find homes for homeless pets. This was great work done by mostly unpaid, hard-working volunteers. Even though so many of us were working towards this cause of helping homeless pets, it seemed like it would be a never ending battle. I started thinking that maybe instead of helping the animals once they became homeless, I should try to help them from becoming homeless in the first place. This required helping the families while they still owned their pets…Pets Are Like Family’s mission was to help Chicago pet parents have a loving, responsible relationship with their pets by providing education, resources, counseling, and referral services to keep pets with their families and decrease pet homelessness. Read article