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Chat & Chuckle with Veronica Boutelle and Gina Phairas of dogbiz

Chat & Chuckle with Veronica Boutelle and Gina Phairas of dogbiz

Join PPG's Kelly Fahey and PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther as they chat and chuckle with Veronica Boutelle and Gina Phairas of dogbiz about their THRIVE! program. THRIVE! is an online program of dogbiz’s that provides group coaching and a supportive community to help R+ dog trainers and ...
Help the Animals in Ukraine – Inspiring Fundraiser Update

Help the Animals in Ukraine – Inspiring Fundraiser Update

By Dr. Marina Bayeva   Dear Supporters, I am happy to bring you the latest update for the Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine fundraiser - both the big picture and the ...
The Value of Non-Verbal Communication

The Value of Non-Verbal Communication

By Angelica Steinker   Consent testing is an informal experiment which allows a dog to offer consent regarding a specific situation. Via her body language the dog communicates a ...

Latest Articles

Self-Isolation? Don’t Forget the Furries!

What unprecedented and uncertain times we're in. I'm speaking from the viewpoint in the the UK but COVID-19, aka the coronavirus, is now sweeping the world.  Here in the UK, the situation changes daily as the number cases (and very sadly, fatalities) increases, it is ever-evolving.  By the ...

Feline Behavior Unmasked: Acting on Instinct

By Amy Martin  Q: My older cat does something frustrating while eating his food. He eats some of it, then tries to cover the rest of it with miscellaneous items nearby. Sometimes he even paws at the ground around his food plate or drags his placemat across his food plate, covering it a bit. ...

COVID-19 and Pet Dogs

(Updated 3-16-20) Coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread rapidly around the world, and on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a global pandemic, issuing daily situation reports as this is a very fluid health crisis. WHO identified 90% of cases of human infection to be ...

Business Contingency Planning – Need Help?

By Niki Tudge Join us on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 to discuss all these important points and more with the experts at dog*biz.  Click here to register for this interactive webinar hosted by PPG president Niki Tudge. By now, we are all well aware of the impact of the coronavirus. Things are ...

Dogs in the Zone

By Barb Levenson Have you ever seen that look in your dog’s eyes? He looks at you and it feels like he truly loves you. Well, you are probably right. Scientists are discovering that we may actually be correct. Our dogs are indeed expressing their love for us. Several weeks ago I was ...

Pigs at Work

By Lara Joseph Many people are astounded at the intelligence of pigs. Of all the animals that I train, one of my attractions to pigs is how quickly they learn. I had wanted to train pigs for quite a while, having been aware of their intellectual ability. I now have several who are regular ...

PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: How Can We Ask Questions from Non-Verbal Animals? The Basic Science of Choice

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Workshops in Phoenix, Arizona Session Details: Presenter: Dr. Alexandra Protopopova Session Title: How Can We Ask Questions from Non-Verbal Animals? The Basic Science of Choice (Part 1) Session Type: General Session (1.5 ...

Shock-Free Coalition Launches Pledge Drive to Educate Pet Professionals and Guardians on the Risks of Using Shock as a Training Tool

Initiative will offer an array of educational prizes as incentive for participants to share their knowledge with fellow professionals, clients and pet owners and recruit signees TAMPA, Fla. - March 2, 2020 - PRLog -- The Shock-Free Coalition, a global advocacy program spearheaded by the Pet ...

Me, the Pet Professional Guild, and My Village People

By Coleen Ellis I’m just coming off an amazing weekend with yet another Pet Loss and Grief Companioning Certification class under my belt! Not unlike any of the other classes, the attendees are all about animals! Just like every other class, it’s a fabulous few days spent with my tribe! ...