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Cooperative Care with Cora: A Case Study

Cooperative Care with Cora: A Case Study

  by Jennifer Van Valkenburg Cooperative care is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I have come to appreciate how important body autonomy and choice can be, especially when experiencing a painful and difficult medical diagnosis. Having some control over even small things can ...
Daily Dog Training Conversations

Daily Dog Training Conversations

    by Michelle Martiya     “He knows you’re the treat person.” Do you know the easiest and fastest way to get your dog to respond to you like they respond to me? BECOME THE TREAT PERSON, ...
How to Book More Clients in Your Dog Training Classes

How to Book More Clients in Your Dog Training Classes

by PocketSuite As a dog trainer, you give your all in a session, whether you have two students or ten. But, of course, you want to fill those spots to make that hour count. If you want to land ...

Latest Articles

BARKS Podcast with Debby Lucken of Kids Around Dogs

BARKS Podcast with Debby Lucken of Kids Around Dogs

Join Niki Tudge and Rebekah King as they Chat & Chuckle with Kids Around Dogs (KAD). KAD is an award-winning association of Dog Professionals and Child Care Professionals who specialize in helping families with children to train their dogs and live in harmony together. Debby Lucken, ...
Why Do Deaf Dogs Bark?

Why Do Deaf Dogs Bark?

By Morag Heirs   Barking is a form of communication for all dogs so it is important that we spend some time thinking about why our dogs might be barking. Are they anxious, over-excited, upset, fearful, thrilled, frustrated? Something else? Avoid concentrating on stopping the ...
BARKS Podcast with Toni Clarke of Well Done Charlie Dog Training

BARKS Podcast with Toni Clarke of Well Done Charlie Dog Training

Join Niki Tudge and Rebekah King as they Chat & Chuckle with Toni Clarke of Well Done Charlie Dog Training, about how to develop and execute training plans to prepare pets to fly.   Listen to the Podcast with Toni Clarke here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page ...
BARKS Podcast with Annie Phenix of Phenix Dogs

BARKS Podcast with Annie Phenix of Phenix Dogs

Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Annie Phenix of Phenix Dogs about reactive dogs and Annie's new project and book, Positive Training for Aggressive and Reactive Dogs: Proven Techniques to Help Your Dog Recover from Fear and Anxiety and ...
A Better Dog-Human  Understanding

A Better Dog-Human Understanding

By Susan Nilson   Marco Adda is a freelance dog behavior consultant, independent researcher, dog-human facilitator (or dog trainer if you prefer), animal advocate, and educator who is passionate about all things canine. He describes himself as a “globetrotter who moves ...
BARKS Podcast with Rosie Robinson of Wuf Design

BARKS Podcast with Rosie Robinson of Wuf Design

Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Rosie Robinson of Wuf Design in the UK about websites, lead generation, Google, and so much more. Rosie offers support from simple sites to full on e-commerce and has the digital solutions to ensure ...
BARKS Podcast with Barbara Hodel of Goodog Positive Dog Training

BARKS Podcast with Barbara Hodel of Goodog Positive Dog Training

Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Barbara Hodel of Goodog Positive Dog Training in Bayview, New South Wales, Australia about all things Teen Dog! All dogs (and humans) have to go through the teenage phase to reach the stability of ...
Help the Animals in Ukraine – Inspiring Fundraiser Update

Help the Animals in Ukraine – Inspiring Fundraiser Update

By Dr. Marina Bayeva   Dear Supporters, I am happy to bring you the latest update for the Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine fundraiser - both the big picture and the individual shelter updates. Highlights include:   Animals finding new homes even ...
The Value of Non-Verbal Communication

The Value of Non-Verbal Communication

By Angelica Steinker   Consent testing is an informal experiment which allows a dog to offer consent regarding a specific situation. Via her body language the dog communicates a yes or no response. This information is used to: • Improve the quality of life of the dog. • ...