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The Topic of Microaggressions for Identification and Educational Purposes!

The Topic of Microaggressions for Identification and Educational Purposes!

Introduction To some degree we are all products of cultural conditioning that instills within us biases and prejudices that can impregnate our behavior towards others. The term and concept microaggressions was first identified and termed in the 1970’s by Chester M. Pierce. The term refers ...
BARKS News – June 2021

BARKS News – June 2021

Listen to the June 2021 edition of BARKS News! Highlights include: Geek Week 2021 - Registration now open! Early Bird discount available till July 31, 2021 Geek Week presenters + sponsor ...
It’s All in the Management

It’s All in the Management

By Dr. Morag Heirs When you are dealing with a deaf puppy or an adolescent deaf dog in a rescue environment, mouthing and nipping is often high on the list of problem behaviors. Do deaf dogs ...

Latest Articles

Teaching the TrickMeister Way!

How important is it to teach your canine companion what you would like them to do? I believe it is extremely important but what is even more essential is that you teach in a way that doesn't cause any stress; that you teach in a way that is fun for both teacher and student; that you teach ...

Just Say No to Saying No

“Can I say no to my dog?” is a question I often hear from new clients. My short answer is “Yes, you can use any word or sound you please in training.” Pavlov proved that long ago. The problem is in the way dog owners use “no” and whether it leads them closer to success. Owners usually ...

Stress-Free Dog Brushing

Brushing your dog on a daily basis has many benefits.   Grooming or brushing your dog is more than just keeping his appearance spiffy. Brushing your dog's coat every day not only keeps it free of debris but free of mats that can pinch your dog's skin and cause infections. Daily brushing can ...

I Only Have Eyes For You!

One of my specialities is doing in-home training so that the human gets trained and then I highly recommend taking Fido to a group class to practice the new skills in a more distracting environment. And for puppies, this is very important as it will help with the socialization process of ...

Interpreting Feline Non-Verbal Communication

Jane Ehrlich examines the basics of feline body language. This article was first published in BARKS from the Guild, March 2015, page 26 Keep an eye on your cat's body language to know what he/she is thinking and feeling. To that end, here is a scenario. In fact, you probably already know ...

True Friends

It’s been a couple of years since Gregory Berns published his research that uses MRIs to show that dogs love their humans. Now, British and Brazilian researchers have published a paper showing that dogs recognize our emotions as well. Sure, dog lovers have many stories about dogs showing ...

Cats in Conflict

Jane Ehrlich examines some of the many types of feline aggression, one of the most common behavior problems in cats, and tries to shed some light on this complex issue. This article was first published in BARKS from the Guild, March 2015, pages 24-28.   Inter-cat aggression is one of ...

#PPGSummit 2015: The Future Is Now

At times, with all the cruelty and destruction in the world, it can seem disheartening for pet professionals who are trying to make a stand for animals, to be their voice and ensure they get the best care possible and are never subjected to pain and suffering along the way. While there is ...

Lives of Streeties – A Study on Free Ranging Dogs

This Christmas I gave myself a gift. I finally permitted myself to publish my study on street dogs in Bangalore, India. I have been working at it for a year and I am thrilled to present it finally. The idea for the study was sparked when my colleagues and I were mulling over the question of ...