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The Chat & Chuckle format for Podcasts and PPG Facebook Live sessions is purposely casual to create a free-flowing conversation between the host and the guest.

There are no staged questions! This ensures we have a fun and natural dialogue to support the concept of Chatting & Chuckling. Host Niki Tudge and Judy Luther simply guides the discussions around the guest, their areas of specialty, and their business interests.

Do you have something you’d like to share? Join Niki and Judy as a guest on one of our Podcasts! You too can share your knowledge and experience with PPG members and supporters!

Simply fill out this short form to get your Chat & Chuckle session scheduled.

More Podcasts

BARKS Podcast with Veronica Sanchez of Cooperative Paws Service Dog Education: September 9, 2020

BARKS Podcast with Veronica Sanchez of Cooperative Paws Service Dog Education: September 9, 2020

Join Niki Tudge as she chats with Veronica Sanchez of Cooperative Paws Service Dog Education about the service dog industry, public access dogs, and the concept of at-home service dogs, as well as her new program, Mobility Task Training ...
BARKS Podcast with Laurie C. Williams of Pup ‘N Iron: September 4, 2020

BARKS Podcast with Laurie C. Williams of Pup ‘N Iron: September 4, 2020

Niki Tudge is joined by Laurie C. Williams the Owner of Pup 'N Iron® in Virginia to discuss diversity in the dog training profession. Listen to Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Laurie C. Williams CPDT-KA ...
BARKS Podcast with Judy Luther of Trust Centered Training: August 26, 2020

BARKS Podcast with Judy Luther of Trust Centered Training: August 26, 2020

Join Niki Tudge where she Chats and Chuckles with Judy Luther, chair of the PPG Canine Committee. Their discussion explores the great programs the committee is working on such as Project Trade, standard training procedures for boundary ...

BARKS Podcast with Denise O’Moore of INTODogs: July 31, 2020

Niki Tudge hosts Denise O'Moore, chair of INTO Dogs, to chat about all things Geek Week, a virtual educational event taking place on November 11-15, 2020. Join us to find out all about the Geek Week schedule, presenters, and all things ...

BARKS Podcast with Kelly Duggan of Kelly Duggan Design: July 24, 2020

In this BARKS Podcast, we “Chat & Chuckle” with Kelly Duggan of Kelly Duggan Design, a Pet Professional Guild approved vendor. Kelly wears many hats and has several roles in our industry, from her own business to supporting the Academy ...

BARKS Podcast with Dr. Eduardo J. Fernandez of the School of Behavior Analysis: July 17, 2020

Every Friday, PPG hosts a Facebook Live session for PPG members. On Friday, July 17, 2020 we hosted Dr. Eduardo J. Fernandez where we discussed science, ethics, bears, tigers, data collection and learned what three things Dr. Eduardo has on his ...

BARKS Podcast with Dr. Karolina Westlund of Illis Animal Behavior Consulting: June 12, 2020

Every Friday, PPG President Niki Tudge hosts a Facebook Live session for PPG members in the PPG Member group. In the Friday June 12, 2020 session, we talked punishment with Dr. Karolina Westlund of Illis Animal Behavior Consulting, as well as ...

BARKS Podcast with Dr. Kristina Spaulding of Smart Dog Training and Behavior: June 5, 2020

Every Friday, PPG President Niki Tudge hosts a Facebook Live session for PPG members. We were privileged on Friday June 5, 2020 to host Dr. Kristina Spaulding of Smart Dog Training and Behavior where we explored and discussed stress! We can all ...

BARKS Podcast with dog*biz: May 21, 2020

       Niki Tudge catches up with Gina Phairas (left) and Veronica Boutelle (right) of PPG corporate partner dog*biz to talk about the FREE six-week group coaching program, Survive & Thrive, they launched in April 2020 to help R+ trainers ...