by BARKS from the Guild | Jun 1, 2021 | Animal Behavior, BARKS from the Guild, Pet Guardians
By Andrea Carne “Play with your cat more – and give him a meaty diet…” I wouldn’t be surprised if variations on this kind of advice has been given by vets and cat behavior consultants over the eons. And indeed, …
by BARKS from the Guild | Mar 25, 2021 | Animal Behavior, BARKS from the Guild, Pet Guardians
By Andrea Carne Regardless of whichever behavior issue I have been called upon to assist a cat guardian with – whether it be inappropriate toileting, aggression towards humans, or aggression between cats in a multicat household – I can almost...
by BARKS from the Guild | Feb 1, 2021 | BARKS from the Guild, Pet Guardians, Training
By Cecilia Sumner Not surprisingly, I love living with dogs. I embrace their essential dogginess. Barking, jumping, digging, hunting, these are all normal canine behaviors. I recognize I need to provide an outlet for these behaviors to keep my dogs...
by BARKS from the Guild | Jun 11, 2020 | Animal Behavior, BARKS from the Guild, Pet Guardians, Training
By Cecelia Sumner Not surprisingly, I love living with dogs. I embrace their essential dogginess. Barking, jumping, digging, hunting, these are all normal canine behaviors. I recognize I need to provide an outlet for these behaviors to keep my dogs...