The Emotions of Reactivity

Jul 5, 2021 | Uncategorized

dogs telling each other go away

A reactive behavior response includes an abrupt increase in tension and arousal, which may be manifested in repeated barking and/or lunging, a display of teeth designed to be threatening/intimidating, or various other behaviors © Daniel ­­Antolec

Reactivity refers to canine behavior whereby a dog is over aroused by something in the environment. For some dogs it may be the sight of another dog. For others, it may be a child riding a bike or a jogger passing by the window. Or any number of things.

The behavior response includes an abrupt increase in tension and arousal, which may be manifested in repeated barking and/or lunging, a display of teeth designed to be threatening/intimidating, or various other behaviors which guardians often perceive to be aggressive.

The next thing to understand is the emotional motivation of the behavior.

(Issue 48, May 2021, pp.28-31). Read article