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Daily Dog Training Conversations

Daily Dog Training Conversations

    by Michelle Martiya     “He knows you’re the treat person.” Do you know the easiest and fastest way to get your dog to respond to you like they respond to me? BECOME THE TREAT PERSON, TOO! Do you know how I know if you’ve been stingy with the treats or tried bribing your dog instead of ...
20 Problems With Punishment in Animal Training

20 Problems With Punishment in Animal Training

  by Dr. Karolina Westlund Recently there was a video post in my Facebook feed that caught my attention. Typically, on Facebook, I’m a bit of a lurker. I’m not very active, and when I do watch videos I often don’t share, like or comment – even when perhaps I should. This time, I watched, ...

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The Click Starts the Behavior

The Click Starts the Behavior

By Yvette Van Veen   A common expression used in clicker training is that the click “ends the behavior.” Rarely do we stop to think what this really means but it bears closer examination. Typically, the phrase indicates that ...
Thunder, Lightning and Barometric Pressure

Thunder, Lightning and Barometric Pressure

By Carolyn Kocman   Owners and caretakers can almost always recognize phobia related behaviors. Shaking, drooling, panting, restlessness, pacing, clinging to owners and hiding are all fairly overt and recognizable behaviors that ...
Building the ‘Super Learner’

Building the ‘Super Learner’

By Kate Mallatratt   One of my behavior colleagues posed a very interesting question recently, “If you always set your dog up for success and aim for errorless learning, are you not stunting your dog’s ability for critical ...
Pups and the Power of Positive Touch

Pups and the Power of Positive Touch

  Don't you just love being able to have that closeness with your dog? The snuggling in, the mutual touch, and just really enjoying each other's affection? But sadly it's not always like this. Not all dogs enjoy or are ...

Introducing Cats: Slowly Does It

By Patience Fisher   There are many challenges for shelters in finding adoptive homes for cats. As an adoption counselor, I always found it disheartening to have a cat returned to the shelter for not getting along with the ...
Exotic Animals and Shelter Awareness

Exotic Animals and Shelter Awareness

By Lara Joseph   As animal trainers and behavior consultants, our work can appear very appealing to pet owners and those who work with and take care of animals. What we demonstrate in our training is a very important tool we can ...
The Aftermath of “Boot Camp”

The Aftermath of “Boot Camp”

By Amanda Ballard   [At the time of writing] Kobe is an 18-month-old terrier cross, who is loved madly by his person, Lizzie. My private consultation session with them is the only one in 10 years that has moved me to tears, right ...
New Bird on the Block

New Bird on the Block

By Vicki Ronchette   Over the years I have introduced several parrots into my flock of companion birds. During this time I have found there are some things that should be done early on to help shape the bird into a good ...