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Grab the Positives and Keep Going!

Grab the Positives and Keep Going!

I don't know what it is lately… Maybe it is something to do with the pandemic and all the associated stress, but recently I have met a lot of pet owners who are really struggling. I don't know how much of a thing this is generally, but I am definitely coming across a growing number of ...
Is Love Enough?

Is Love Enough?

By June Pennell I would love to be able to say that love is enough to help a troubled dog. Indeed, perhaps it is enough for a dog without any behavior issues or a troubled background. Perhaps. But although the idea that you can help a dog (in this case, one who is reactive towards other ...

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Portland Blog Competition: May I Speak to the Manager?

By Tina Ferner Last week, I received a voicemail that a trainer NEVER wants to hear. It went like this, “Tina, this is Eileen. Dolly just killed Miley.” Dolly was a rescued mixed breed dog that weighed approximately 65 pounds while Miley was ...

The What, Where and When of Rewards

By Lily Mickleburgh  The use of rewards in dog training is becoming increasingly popular as an effective way of encouraging desired behaviours. However, subtle differences in what you use as a reward, where and when you reward them, can all ...

Dog Owner Confidence Crash!

There's so much written about emotions of our dogs, how they're thinking and what they're feeling in various provocative situations and scenarios, but sometimes I think we, the dog owners, may end up being a little neglected! You can't ...

Getting Started with Touch Cues

By Debbie Bauer There are two types of touch cues - these are cues that you give to your dog by touching various parts of his body in different ways, to mean different things.  If your dog can't see or hear you cues, touch cues give you the ...

A Quadrant by Any Other Name is Still a Cornerstone of Operant Learning

This 2003 edition book is $4.89 on Amazon. Contents: priceless. There is a science that deals directly with how organisms learn and how to use that information to change the environment in order to change behavior. It’s called applied ...

Getting Scientific about Dominance

By Don Hanson What we know about the science of canine behavior and dog training is continually evolving. As such, every year I like to select a new book to recommend to my students, my staff, area veterinarians, and my colleagues that I ...

Want Your Dog to Listen? Stop Doing This!

By Yvette Van Veen Dog training often boils down to a single statement. “I want my dog to listen.” It’s a reasonable request and seems simple.  We ask our dogs to do something.  In return, we want the dog to listen to that request and ...

Over the Moon!

By Debbie Bauer I am over-the-moon proud of my boy Vinny this month!  He and I were away from home for three weeks this month, visiting new places, doing new things, and he took it all in stride.  We had a blast!  It was, of course, so hard ...