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Alone Training

Alone Training

By Don Hanson Dogs are social animals, and most will actively seek out our companionship. They can quickly become accustomed to having their people around all the time (especially during these pandemic times when many of us are spending more time at home than usual), but this is not a ...
Play vs. Aggression

Play vs. Aggression

By Maureen Tay As a trainer, the issue of aggression is raised a lot. Indeed, it is the most commonly reported behavior issue by dog owners (Overall, 2013). One owner who contacted me recently had adopted a new dog and called me to say that the new dog and the resident dog were now ...

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The Power of Desensitization

Desensitization is a tool I use in my armory virtually every day - it's ultra powerful, versatile and it works well, that is IF it's applied correctly!  Here I'm going to take a look at this 'behaviour fixer' in a bit more detail because if ...

Ringing the Bell to Go Out: Avoid These 4 Common Errors!

Zani learns to ring the bells This post is for the people who have tried–and failed–to teach their dogs to ring a bell to go outside. I suspect there are a lot of bell ringing failures out there. Not that it’s so hard to teach a dog to poke a ...

Ideas for Touch Signs to Use

By Debbie Bauer You can give touch cues in many ways - you can use your hands, your feet, your body, your breath, the equipment you use with your dog, an extended touch stick, etc.  Any way that you can make contact with your dog's body to ...

Clicking your Dog for Doing Nothing!

By Sue McCabe Recently, while out with my gang, two dogs rushed a fence, barking their hairy heads off as we passed. I clicked and rewarded my dogs even though they did nothing. Later on the walk, two horses passed us and my dogs looked at ...

Why Your Dog Doesn’t Know Sit

By Yvette Van Veen When I was a young girl, my grandmother would send gifts of books from Czechoslovakia.  The books were filled with stunning moving pop-up illustrations.  I learned a lot from those books.  I learned how those ...

Reaching the Holy Grail of Training

 By Yvette Van Veen Years ago, I taught our Kiki a formal recall using targeting.  Systematically I proceeded to work through the exercise.  Much to my delight, Kiki developed the most fantastic competition recall.  People gasped at her ...

7 Ways to Get Behaviour

Guest Post by Karolina Westlund Ph.D There are two important questions to ask before teaching an animal a new skill. In another blog post, I discussed the first question, one that is extremely basic but often overlooked: “what is the ...

How to Make Your Training Work!

All dogs can learn amazing things. Sometimes it's us (maybe more than sometimes!) who don't allow our dogs to fulfill their full potential, for whatever reason - time, other commitments, know-how etc. I want to look at a few things here that ...