Common Stumbling Blocks to Behavioral Recovery for Dogs and How to Overcome Them

Common Stumbling Blocks to Behavioral Recovery for Dogs and How to Overcome Them

  by Diane Garrod In response to a survey of more than 1,000 pet parents in the United States by Kinship ...
What Is Enrichment for Animals?

What Is Enrichment for Animals?

  by Diane Garrod When the term “enrichment” is verbalized, its meaning is often not clearly understood. ...
Dog Speak: The Language of Barking

Dog Speak: The Language of Barking

  At a recent public event I attended, the question asked most by companion dog owners was, "How do I ...
The Benefits of Using Food Rewards

The Benefits of Using Food Rewards

This article addresses some of pet owners’ common concerns and criticisms surrounding the use of treats in dog ...

Can you FIX my dog?

When clients contact me, they often ask, "Can you fix my dog?" It has become something I smile about now, but ...

Do Animals Grieve?

"There is a cycle of love and death that shapes the lives of those who choose to travel in the company of animals. ...

Ten Ways To Use Problem-Solving Games in Behavior Modification

Mental, intelligence games and problem solving activities can be used in a behavior modification program.  We use ...

Growl versus Scowl

Growling is often punished. If we understand that growling is communication and that there are many different ...


When was the last time you heard "my dog is dominant" or "my dog is trying to be dominant with (fill in the ...

Why Prong Is Wrong – Physically and Psychologically

A man's best friend deserves better Prong collars are used to decrease behavior and involve waiting for the dog to ...

Corrections. Paradigm Shift?

Let's face it, humans are "trained" to correct other humans. We correct our spouses, our children, our co-workers ...